@article{moore_brooks_1994, title={AN ULTRASTRUCTURAL-STUDY OF THE EPISPORONTAL INCLUSIONS PRODUCED DURING OCTOSPOROGONY BY 5 SPECIES/ISOLATES OF VAIRIMORPHA (MICROSPORA, MICROSPORIDA)}, volume={63}, ISSN={["0022-2011"]}, DOI={10.1006/jipa.1994.1036}, abstractNote={Abstract Two described species of Vairimorpha , Vairimorpha plodiae and Vairimorpha heterosporum , and three undescribed isolates from the lepidopteran species Heliothis armigera, Utethesia bella, and Alabama argillacea , respectively Ha, Ub, and 78-5, were studied by electron microscopy with emphasis on episporontal inclusions. Early secretory products appeared as small electron-dense, amorphous masses which usually became vesiculated or vacuolated in appearance. More significant differences were noted in the appearance of the late-stage lamellae formed by each isolate. In V. plodiae the lamellae exhibited a whorled or fingerprint configuration, while in V. heterosporum the lamellae were thickened and hinged in appearance being somewhat similar to those produced by isolate 78-5. The lamellae of isolate Ha were thin and organized in a regularly layered manner, while those of isolate Ub occurred as randomly oriented, curved structures coated on one or both surfaces with a less dense layer of material. Episporontal tubules were also produced by each isolate, generally adjacent to the sporont plasmalemma. Although the tubules of each isolate were similar in appearance and were coated with exospore material during sporoblast formation, the coated tubules for isolates Ha and Ub were found to be polygonal in cross section. As spores matured, these episporontal inclusions gradually disappeared. A discussion is presented of the potential value of such episporontal inclusions as taxonomic criteria at the species level.}, number={2}, journal={JOURNAL OF INVERTEBRATE PATHOLOGY}, author={MOORE, CB and BROOKS, WM}, year={1994}, month={Mar}, pages={197–206} } @article{moore_brooks_1993, title={AN EVALUATION OF SDS-POLYACRYLAMIDE GEL-ELECTROPHORETIC ANALYSIS FOR THE DETERMINATION OF INTRAGENERIC RELATIONSHIPS OF VAIRIMORPHA-ISOLATES}, volume={62}, ISSN={["0022-2011"]}, DOI={10.1006/jipa.1993.1114}, abstractNote={Abstract Extracts of hydrophilic exosporal proteins of three described species and three undescribed isolates of microsporidia of the genus Vairimorpha were studied by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The protein profiles from the six isolates consisted of peptide bands ranging in number from 23 to 30. The relative mobilities of the bands were compared between isolates and coefficients of similarity were calculated. Two distinct groups were apparent: Vairimorpha necatrix, Vairimorpha plodiae, Vairimorpha heterosporum , and an undescribed isolate from the lepidopteran Heliothis armigera formed a related group, while the microsporidian isolates from the lepidopterans Alabama argillacea and Utethesia bella were more related to each other than to the former group. The reliability, however, of similarity coefficients as indicators of species relatedness appears to be questionable as the value is dependent on the number of bands detectable. Other techniques may be more useful for determining intrageneric relatedness than SDS-PAGE.}, number={3}, journal={JOURNAL OF INVERTEBRATE PATHOLOGY}, author={MOORE, CB and BROOKS, WM}, year={1993}, month={Nov}, pages={285–288} } @article{moore_brooks_1992, title={AN ULTRASTRUCTURAL-STUDY OF VAIRIMORPHA-NECATRIX (MICROSPORA, MICROSPORIDA) WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO EPISPORONTAL INCLUSIONS DURING OCTOSPOROGONY}, volume={39}, ISSN={["0022-3921"]}, DOI={10.1111/j.1550-7408.1992.tb01469.x}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT. The life cycle of Vairimorpha necatrix was studied by electron microscopy. Disporous development has two distinct stages: 1) diplokaryotic meronts which are actively mitotic, and 2) diplokaryotic sporonts which are distinguished by reduced ribosome density and a thickened plasmalemma. After final division of the sporont, sporoblasts form spores which are ovocylindrical and measure 4.4 ± 0.08 × 2.3 ± 0.05 μm (mean ± SE). Octosporous development results in eight haploid spores being formed in a sporophorous vesicle. The uninucleate octospores were smaller than the binucleate dispores and the exospore was thicker but less crenulate in outline. Early in octosporogony, tubules are produced from the sporont plasmalemma and electron‐dense material accumulates in the episporontal space. The latter may be amorphous, vesiculated, or vacuolated in appearance and in later stages may take a stacked, lamellar form. At sporoblast formation, exospore material coats the plasmalemma and attached tubules; all inclusions in the episporontal space gradually disappear as spores are formed. These secretory products may have application to taxonomic distinction at the species level.}, number={3}, journal={JOURNAL OF PROTOZOOLOGY}, author={MOORE, CB and BROOKS, WM}, year={1992}, pages={392–398} }