1989 report

Annual progress reports, special project on tissue culture

Raleigh, NC: Forest Biology Research Center, North Carolina State University.

By: H. Amerson, L. Frampton & R. Mott

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

1988 journal article

Tissue culture of conifers using loblolly pine as a model

Genetic Manipulation of Woody Plants, 117–137.

By: H. Amerson n, L. Frampton n, R. Mott n & P. Spaine n

Ed(s): . J. W. Hanover & D. Keathley

topics (OpenAlex): Plant tissue culture and regeneration; Plant Pathogens and Fungal Diseases; Plant Taxonomy and Phylogenetics
TL;DR: Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) is a good model for conifer tissue culture, since studies include three methods of in vitro propagation, long-term field evaluations of tissue-culture plantlets, and the development of in vain selection methods. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

1985 conference paper

Field performance of loblolly pine tissue culture plantlets

Proceedings of the eighteenth southern forest tree improvement conference held at Long Beach, Mississippi on May 21-23, 1985, 136–144.

By: L. Frampton, R. Mott & H. Amerson

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

1985 chapter

Loblolly pine tissue culture: laboratory, greenhouse, and field studies

In K. W. H. R. R. Henke & A. H. M. J. Constantin (Eds.), Tissue culture in forestry and agriculture (pp. 271–287).

By: H. Amerson n, F. McKeand n, M. E. n, L. R. n & R. Weir

Ed(s): K. R. R. Henke & A. M. J. Constantin

topics (OpenAlex): Plant tissue culture and regeneration; Plant Pathogens and Fungal Diseases; Fern and Epiphyte Biology
TL;DR: Conifer tissue culture had its beginnings in the late 1930s and shoot regeneration cultures were first noted in 1950, but little field data have been reported on the performance of tissue-cultured conifers, but several conifer species are now established in field plantings and data should be forthcoming. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (OpenAlex)
Sources: NC State University Libraries, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

1981 conference paper

Tissue culture and greenhouse practices for the production of loblolly pine plantlets

Proceedings of the 16th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, 168–175.

By: H. Amerson, S. McKeand & R. Mott

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

1978 journal article



By: R. Mott n, H. Thomas* & G. Namkoong n

topics (OpenAlex): Forest Insect Ecology and Management; Entomopathogenic Microorganisms in Pest Control; Insect and Arachnid Ecology and Behavior
TL;DR: Southern pine beetle, Dendroctonus frontalis Zimmerman, was reared aseptically from egg to adult using in vitro cultured masses (callus) of pine cells taken from loblolly pine to produce aseptic beetles. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

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