@book{amerson_frampton_mott_1989, title={Annual progress reports, special project on tissue culture}, institution={Raleigh, NC: Forest Biology Research Center, North Carolina State University}, author={Amerson, H. V. and Frampton, L. J., Jr. and Mott, R. L.}, year={1989} } @article{amerson_frampton_mott_spaine_1988, title={Tissue culture of conifers using loblolly pine as a model}, ISBN={0306428156}, DOI={10.1007/978-1-4613-1661-9_7}, journal={Genetic manipulation of woody plants}, publisher={New York: Plenum}, author={Amerson, H. V. and Frampton, L. J. and Mott, R. L. and Spaine, P. C.}, editor={J. W. Hanover and Keathley, D. E.Editors}, year={1988}, pages={117–137} } @inproceedings{frampton_mott_amerson_1985, title={Field performance of loblolly pine tissue culture plantlets}, booktitle={Proceedings of the eighteenth southern forest tree improvement conference held at Long Beach, Mississippi on May 21-23, 1985}, author={Frampton, L. J., Jr. and Mott, R. L. and Amerson, H. V.}, year={1985}, pages={136–144} } @inbook{amerson_mckeand_e._r._weir_1985, title={Loblolly pine tissue culture: laboratory, greenhouse, and field studies}, ISBN={030641919X}, DOI={10.1007/978-1-4899-0378-5_19}, booktitle={Tissue culture in forestry and agriculture}, publisher={NY: Plenum Press}, author={Amerson, H. V. and McKeand, Frampton L. J. and E., Mott S. and R., L. and Weir, R. J.}, editor={R. R. Henke, K. W. Hughes and M. J. Constantin, A. HollaenderEditors}, year={1985}, pages={271–287} } @inproceedings{amerson_mckeand_mott_1981, title={Tissue culture and greenhouse practices for the production of loblolly pine plantlets}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 16th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference}, author={Amerson, H. V. and McKeand, S. E. and Mott, R. L.}, year={1981}, pages={168–175} } @article{mott_thomas_namkoong_1978, title={INVITRO REARING OF SOUTHERN PINE BEETLE (COLEOPTERA-SCOLYTIDAE) LARVAE ON TISSUE-CULTURED LOBLOLLY-PINE CALLUS}, volume={71}, ISSN={["0013-8746"]}, DOI={10.1093/aesa/71.4.564}, abstractNote={Southern pine beetle, Dendroctonus frontalis Zimmerman, was reared aseptically from egg to adult using in vitro cultured masses (callus) of pine cells taken from loblolly pine. Callus on 3% nutrient agar was the best of the systems tried for producing aseptic beetles in 35–55 days in the complete absence of mycangial fungi. Adult production increased from 14–26% of hatched larvae when β-sitosterol was added to the culture medium.}, number={4}, journal={ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA}, author={MOTT, RL and THOMAS, HA and NAMKOONG, G}, year={1978}, pages={564–566} }