@article{nettleton_hain_monroe_1978, title={FIELD EVALUATION OF ACARICIDES FOR CONTROL OF OLIGONYCHUS-UNUNGUIS (ACARINA-TETRANYCHIDAE) IN FRASER FIR PLANTATIONS}, volume={71}, ISSN={["0022-0493"]}, DOI={10.1093/jee/71.1.113}, abstractNote={Thirteen acaricides were evaluated for the control of the spruce spider mite in Fraser fir Christmas tree plantations in northwest North Carolina. Dimethoate, ethion, dicofol, and carbophenothion gave effective control when applied at the same rate by both hydraulic sprayer and mist blower. Oxydemeton-methyl also demonstrated good efficacy when applied by hydraulic spray.}, number={1}, journal={JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY}, author={NETTLETON, WA and HAIN, FP and MONROE, RJ}, year={1978}, pages={113–114} }