@article{olson_1980, title={EFFECTS OF AGE AND DIET UPON FAT-BODY VOLUME AND COMPOSITION IN ADULT FEMALE HABROBRACON-JUGLANDIS (HYMENOPTERA, BRACONIDAE)}, volume={73}, ISSN={["0013-8746"]}, DOI={10.1093/aesa/73.4.427}, abstractNote={The volume of the visceral fat body in the adult female of the wasp Habrobracon juglandis (Hymemoptera: Braconidae) declines drastically within the first week after emergence and then remains constant until death. The peripheral fat body also declines in volume but more slowly. The number of cells in both components changes only slightly. The loss in volume is due mainly to loss of reserve substances. Protein reserve granules are lost completely within the first week, but glycogen and lipid are still found in some cells after the first week. The volume of the visceral fat body initially declines less rapidly with starvation than with host-feeding. Although the fat body volume declines as rapidly in sugar-fed wasps as in host-fed wasps, the sugar-fed individuals survive longer when subsequently starved. The results are discussed in relation to the ecology of the wasp.}, number={4}, journal={ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA}, author={OLSON, CS}, year={1980}, pages={427–431} }