@article{passos_klaenhammer_swaisgood_1994, title={RESPONSE TO PHAGE INFECTION OF IMMOBILIZED LACTOCOCCI DURING CONTINUOUS ACIDIFICATION AND INOCULATION OF SKIM MILK}, volume={61}, ISSN={["0022-0299"]}, DOI={10.1017/S0022029900028466}, abstractNote={Summary}, number={4}, journal={JOURNAL OF DAIRY RESEARCH}, author={PASSOS, FML and KLAENHAMMER, TR and SWAISGOOD, HE}, year={1994}, month={Nov}, pages={537–544} } @article{passos_swaisgood_1993, title={DEVELOPMENT OF A SPIRAL MESH BIOREACTOR WITH IMMOBILIZED LACTOCOCCI FOR CONTINUOUS INOCULATION AND ACIDIFICATION OF MILK}, volume={76}, ISSN={["0022-0302"]}, DOI={10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(93)77624-9}, abstractNote={Abstract A laboratory-scale bioreactor with lactococci immobilized in calcium alginate gel was developed for continuous acidification and inoculation of milk. Cells were entrapped in a calcium alginate film coating a spiral mesh and placed in a column through which milk was recirculated from a reservoir. Steady-state conditions were achieved by addition of fresh milk using a pH controller to maintain the pH at 5.7 and acidified milk was continuously removed during operation periods up to 5 d. Immobilized and free cell bioreactors were compared using both proteinase-positive and proteinase-negative strains of Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis C2. Productivities were 1.5- to 3.5-fold larger with immobilized cell bioreactors than with free cell bioreactors because of higher cell densities, although specific productivities were lower for immobilized cells. Productivity increase was larger for proteinase-negative cells, which do not grow as well as free cells in milk. However, high densities can be immobilized, resulting in productivities of immobilized proteinase-negative cells that were similar to those of proteinase-positive cells. Free proteinase-negative cells responded to amino acid and peptide supplementation by increasing productivity (5-fold), but the immobilized cells did not respond proportionally, suggesting that free cell activity was limited by substrate availability but that immobilized cells were limited by product inhibition.}, number={10}, journal={JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE}, author={PASSOS, FML and SWAISGOOD, HE}, year={1993}, month={Oct}, pages={2856–2867} } @article{passos_swaisgood_1991, title={Characteristics of immobilized Lactococcus lactis bioreactors for continuous inoculation and acidification of milk}, volume={74}, journal={Journal of Dairy Science}, author={Passos, F. M. and Swaisgood, H. E.}, year={1991}, pages={113} } @article{passos_swaisgood_ollis_1990, title={Characteristics of a laboratory scale immobilized cell bioreactor for acidification of milk}, volume={73}, journal={Journal of Dairy Science}, author={Passos, F. M. and Swaisgood, H. E. and Ollis, D. F.}, year={1990}, pages={74} }