@misc{liska_perrin_2009, title={Indirect land use emissions in the life cycle of biofuels: regulations vs science}, volume={3}, number={3}, journal={Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefining: BIOFPR}, author={Liska, A. J. and Perrin, R. K.}, year={2009}, pages={318–328} } @inbook{perrin_1994, title={Intellectual property rights in agricultural development}, ISBN={0851988806}, booktitle={Agricultural technology : policy issues for the international community}, publisher={Wallingford : CAB International in association with the World Bank}, author={Perrin, R. K.}, year={1994}, pages={499} } @article{perrin_1993, title={Intellectual property rights in the public interest}, ISBN={0944919049}, journal={U.S. agricultural research : strategic challenges and options}, publisher={Bethesda, Md. : Agricultural Research Institute}, author={Perrin, R. K.}, year={1993}, pages={181} } @article{perrin_1990, title={Economic analysis of biotechnology research}, volume={22}, number={1}, journal={Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics}, author={Perrin, R. K.}, year={1990}, pages={73} } @article{perrin_sappie_1990, title={North Carolina: farm income and production 1950-1989}, number={83}, journal={Economics Information Report}, author={Perrin, R. K. and Sappie, G. P.}, year={1990}, pages={56} } @article{perrin_scobie_1981, title={MARKET INTERVENTION POLICIES FOR INCREASING THE CONSUMPTION OF NUTRIENTS BY LOW INCOME HOUSEHOLDS}, volume={63}, ISSN={["1467-8276"]}, DOI={10.2307/1239813}, abstractNote={AbstractThis study employs a market equilibrium displacement approach to examine the nutrient consumption effects of market intervention programs such as food subsidies, income transfers, and agricultural input subsidies. The results permit comparison of the direct treasury costs of achieving marginal increases in nutrient intake with alternative programs. When applied to a case study of the food markets and population of Cali, Colombia, it was found that a marginal increase in caloric intake among the poor could be achieved at lowest cost with a consumer subsidy of certain cereals, although black market activity might raise this cost to that of an income subsidy.}, number={1}, journal={AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS}, author={PERRIN, RK and SCOBIE, GM}, year={1981}, pages={73–82} } @article{perrin_1976, title={VALUE OF INFORMATION AND VALUE OF THEORETICAL MODELS IN CROP RESPONSE RESEARCH}, volume={58}, ISSN={["1467-8276"]}, DOI={10.2307/1238577}, abstractNote={AbstractThe concepts of the value of information and the value of alternative models are developed and applied to corn response research in Brazil. Soil test information was worth as much as $30 per hectare and the response model employed was worth up to $23 per hectare, but two soil classification models had negative values.}, number={1}, journal={AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS}, author={PERRIN, RK}, year={1976}, pages={54–61} } @article{perrin_1972, title={ASSET REPLACEMENT PRINCIPLES}, volume={54}, ISSN={["0002-9092"]}, DOI={10.2307/1237734}, abstractNote={AbstractUsing a general model of asset replacement, a replacement principle is derived which applies to both appreciating assets such as forests and depreciating assets such as equipment. The resulting replacement criterion provides a definition of opportunity costs appropriate for the replacement decision. The theory is presented graphically for the continuous time case, and two discrete‐time examples are considered. Theoretical implications of changing discount rates and market forces are considered as they affect replacement policies.}, number={1}, journal={AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS}, author={PERRIN, RK}, year={1972}, pages={60-&} }