@article{ragland_theil_1993, title={FERRITIN (MESSENGER-RNA, PROTEIN) AND IRON CONCENTRATIONS DURING SOYBEAN NODULE DEVELOPMENT}, volume={21}, ISSN={["0167-4412"]}, DOI={10.1007/BF00028813}, abstractNote={To study how iron-rich nodules concentrate and store iron, ferritin (mRNA, protein) was analyzed in developing soybean nodules and compared to nitrogenase (mRNA/activity) and leghemoglobin (mRNA, protein, heme). Both ferritin mRNA and protein concentrations increased early in nodulation. Later in nodulation ferritin protein declined, in contrast to the mRNA, as nitrogenase (mRNA and activity) increased and leghemoglobin (mRNA and protein) accumulated. A precursor/product relationship between iron stored in ferritin and iron in nitrogenase or leghemoglobin is suggested. The uncoordinated changes in ferritin mRNA and protein during nodulation contrast with nitrogenase mRNA and nitrogenase activity suggesting possible translational and posttranscriptional effects on ferritin expression.}, number={3}, journal={PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY}, author={RAGLAND, M and THEIL, EC}, year={1993}, month={Feb}, pages={555–560} } @article{ragland_briat_gagnon_laulhere_massenet_theil_1990, title={Evidence for conservation of ferritin sequences among plants and animals and for a transit peptide in soybean}, volume={265}, number={30}, journal={Journal of Biological Chemistry}, author={Ragland, M. and Briat, J. F. and Gagnon, J. and Laulhere, J. P. and Massenet, O. and Theil, E. C.}, year={1990}, pages={18339} }