@article{skalsky_guthrie_1977, title={AFFINITIES OF PARATHION, DDT, DIELDRIN, AND CARBARYL FOR MACROMOLECULES IN BLOOD OF RAT AND AMERICAN COCKROACH AND COMPETITIVE INTERACTION OF STEROIDS}, volume={7}, ISSN={["1095-9939"]}, DOI={10.1016/0048-3575(77)90020-7}, abstractNote={This investigation concerns the binding of DDT, dieldrin, parathion, and carbaryl to macromolecules of rat and roach blood. Plasma was filtered on Sephadex G-200, and the first protein peak (FPP) was used to investigate binding characteristics for the insecticides. Binding was demonstrated to be of a nonspecific hydrophobic nature, except for roach FPP and dieldrin in which, in addition to low-affinity binding, sites for high-affinity binding were also found. Competitive binding experiments were run with cholesterol, estrogen, DDT, and dieldrin. No significant competitive interactions were demonstrated.}, number={3}, journal={PESTICIDE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY}, author={SKALSKY, HL and GUTHRIE, FE}, year={1977}, pages={289–296} } @article{skalsky_guthrie_1975, title={Binding of insecticides to macromolecules in the blood of the rat and American cockroach}, volume={5}, number={1}, journal={Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology}, author={Skalsky, H. L. and Guthrie, F. E.}, year={1975}, pages={28} }