@article{terry_bradley_vanduyn_1989, title={HELIOTHIS-ZEA (LEPIDOPTERA, NOCTUIDAE) EGGS IN SOYBEANS - WITHIN-FIELD DISTRIBUTION AND PRECISION LEVEL SEQUENTIAL COUNT PLANS}, volume={18}, ISSN={["0046-225X"]}, DOI={10.1093/ee/18.6.908}, abstractNote={Analyses of four dispersion indices of Heliothis zea (Boddie) egg from O.31-m row samples of soybeans ( Glycine max (L.) Merrill) indicated aggregated patterns for most data sets taken during 1980–1982 when mean density was >2.00 eggs/O.31-m row. Coefficients from regression equations of mean crowding on mean density and log variance on log mean also indicated aggregated patterns. Coefficients from regressions of mean crowding on mean density were used to develop sequential precision level sampling plans.}, number={6}, journal={ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY}, author={TERRY, I and BRADLEY, JR and VANDUYN, JW}, year={1989}, month={Dec}, pages={908–916} }