@article{welsh_johnson_1981, title={INFLUENCE OF ELECTROEJACULATION ON PERIPHERAL-BLOOD CONCENTRATIONS OF CORTICOSTEROIDS, PROGESTERONE, LH, AND TESTOSTERONE IN BULLS}, volume={7}, ISSN={["0148-5016"]}, DOI={10.3109/01485018108999313}, abstractNote={Temporal relationships among serum concentrations of corticosteroids (CS), luteinizing hormone (LH), progesterone (P), and testosterone (T) were examined in ten bulls exposed to the stress of electroejaculation (EE). Concentrations of CS and P increased concomitantly among bulls to peak levels by 15 min post-EE and then declined to pre-EE levels between 2 and 4 hr after EE. Total number of LH and T peaks decreased from 24 and 18, respectively, during the 12-hr pre-EE period to 11 and 14 during the 12-h post-EE period. Mean concentration of LH decreased after EE until 4 hr post-EE when episodic LH secretion resumed and concentrations of CS and P had declined to pre-EE levels. Similarly, mean concentration of T declined after EE and then increased 6-8 hr post-EE in response to resumption of LH secretion. The temporal associations of elevated concentrations of CS and P with basal LH and T before EE, absence of T response to endogenous LH peaks, and the temporary absence of episodic LH and T peaks after EE, suggest that endogenous adrenal steroids may modulate secretion of T in the bull.}, number={3}, journal={ARCHIVES OF ANDROLOGY}, author={WELSH, TH and JOHNSON, BH}, year={1981}, pages={245–250} } @article{welsh_randel_johnson_1981, title={INTERRELATIONSHIPS OF SERUM CORTICOSTEROIDS, LH, AND TESTOSTERONE IN MALE BOVINE}, volume={6}, ISSN={["0148-5016"]}, DOI={10.3109/01485018108987354}, abstractNote={Temporal interrelationships of endogenous peripheral blood concentrations of corticosteriods (CS), luteinizing hormone (LH), and testosterone(T) were evaluate in bulls. Concentrations of CS, LH, and T were quantitated in blood samples collected at hourly intervals via jugular cannula from four bulls during a single 24-hr period in January and again in June. Alterations in hormone profile characteristics were noted within bulls between January and June. An increased number of LH peaks and increased area beneath entire 24-hr LH profile suggested that LH secretion was higher during the June sampling period than the January sampling period. However, no significant alteration in T secretion in June was observed. as number of T peaks and area under T peaks were essentially unchanged relative to January. An inconsistent relationship between secretion of LH and T was observed in June, with only 47% of LH peaks associated with elevations in concentration of T whereas in January 80% of LH peaks were associated with T peaks. A higher lag correlation over all bulls between concentration of LH at one hour and concentration of T at the subsequent hour for all such combinations throughout the 24-hr period (LAG-LHTCORR) in January (r = 0.45, p less than 0.001) than in June (r = 0.12, p less than 0.24) also indicated that the temporal relationship between LH and T changed between these two periods of time. Coincident with the area beneath entire 24-hr CS profile and the height of CS peaks were greater in June. Prolonged elevations in concentration of CS were observed to be coincident with basal concentrations of LH and T and a negative value was obtained for LAG-CSTCORR in June (r = -0.10) but not in January (r = 0.06). Results of this study indicate that the major effect of LH upon blood concentration if T in the bull is usually exerted within 1 hr of a LH surge. However, failure of some LH peaks to be followed by T peaks suggests that the secretion of LH and T in the bull may be subject to modulation by adrenocortical hormones and other intrinsic and extrinsic factors.}, number={2}, journal={ARCHIVES OF ANDROLOGY}, author={WELSH, TH and RANDEL, RD and JOHNSON, BH}, year={1981}, pages={141–150} } @article{welsh_1981, title={Influences of adrenal secretions on testicular testosterone in the bovine}, volume={42}, number={1}, journal={Dissertation Abstracts International. B, Sciences and Engineering}, author={Welsh, T. H.}, year={1981}, pages={92} } @article{welsh_mccraw_johnson_1979, title={INFLUENCE OF CORTICOSTEROIDS ON TESTOSTERONE PRODUCTION IN THE BULL}, volume={21}, ISSN={["1529-7268"]}, DOI={10.1095/biolreprod21.3.755}, abstractNote={Relationships of characteristics of 24 h profiles for concentrations of corticosteroids (CS), luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone (T) in peripheral blood with episodic and exogenously induced elevations of T were studied in bulls. Hourly blood samples were collected via jugular vein cannula for 24 consecutive h from 11 puberal Angus bulls. Exogenous bovine LH (1 mg) was injected at the end of the 24 h period. The overall lag correlation between concentrations of LH at one hour and concentrations of T at the subsequent hour (LAG-LHTCORR) was significant (r = 0.34). Prolonged maintenance of elevated concentrations of CS were coincident with baseline concentrations of LH (BASAL-LH) and T (BASAL-T). Episodic LH and T peaks occurred at the time of baseline concentrations of CS (BASAL-CS) or were preceded by the decline of elevated concentrations of CS. A significant negative correlation (r = −0.14) was obtained for the overall lag correlation between concentrations of CS at one hour and concentrations of T at the subsequent hour (LAG-CSTCORR). A negative relationship was observed between total area under 24 h profile of CS (CS-AREA) and total area under 24 h profile of LH (LH-AREA) and between CS-AREA and total area under 24 h profile of T (T-AREA). Peak concentration of T following LH injection varied among bulls; bulls were ranked according to T response to exogenous LH and particular characteristics of 24 h profiles of concentrations of T and CS. Profile characteristics associated with T response after exogenous LH was given were T-AREA, BASAL-T, CS-AREA and BASAL-CS. The results of this study provide evidence that adrenal corticosteroids may exert a regulatory influence upon both episodic and induced synthesis and secretion of T by the bovine testis.}, number={3}, journal={BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION}, author={WELSH, TH and MCCRAW, RL and JOHNSON, BH}, year={1979}, pages={755–763} }