@article{wissinger_grosch_1975, title={INFLUENCE OF JUVENILE-HORMONE ANALOGUES ON REPRODUCTIVE-PERFORMANCE IN WASP, HABROBRACON-JUGLANDIS}, volume={21}, ISSN={["1879-1611"]}, DOI={10.1016/0022-1910(75)90192-4}, abstractNote={Egg production was reduced in adult virgin Habrobracon juglandis females treated topically with either acyclic or aromatic terpenoid ether, analogues of juvenile hormone. The latter type, particularly the compound possessing a 3,4 methylenedioxyphenyl group, was most effective against the wasp. The resulting changes in fecundity were due to interference with vitellogenic activity. The 3,4 methylenedioxyphenyl analogue treatment decreased hatchability in oöcytes exposed during vitellogenesis. Embryonic death in eggs derived from these cells was typified by blocked cleavage division. The relationship between chemical structure and biological activity supports the hypothesis that juvenile hormone analogues may act in part by blocking detoxification mechanisms in treated insects. This in turn, either separately or in combination with direct analogue action, adversely affects reproduction by inhibiting processes involving RNA synthesis.}, number={9}, journal={JOURNAL OF INSECT PHYSIOLOGY}, author={WISSINGER, WL and GROSCH, DS}, year={1975}, pages={1559–1564} }