@article{yates_whitacre_1988, title={EQUINE ARTIFICIAL-INSEMINATION}, volume={4}, ISSN={["0749-0739"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0749-0739(17)30642-9}, abstractNote={Artificial insemination is an effective technique for improving utilization of the stallion while maintaining normal conception rates in the mare. However, procedures for collection, evaluation, and insemination of semen must be followed carefully to achieve good results. Techniques for preservation of equine semen in the liquid or frozen state could potentially allow for more widespread use of genetically superior stallions. Further acceptance of artificial insemination and the use of cooled or frozen transported semen by breed registries is needed before this will occur. More work is needed to perfect methods of semen preservation, even though semen from some stallions can be cooled or frozen quite successfully at the present time.}, number={2}, journal={VETERINARY CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA-EQUINE PRACTICE}, author={YATES, DJ and WHITACRE, MD}, year={1988}, month={Aug}, pages={291–304} }