Sarah E. Wyatt
Works (7)
2004 patent
Transgenic plants with increased calcium stores
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
2002 journal article
Expression of the high capacity calcium-binding domain of calreticulin increases bioavailable calcium stores in plants

2002 journal article
Mutations in the gravity persistence signal loci in arabidopsis disrupt the perception and/or signal transduction of gravitropic stimuli
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 130(3), 1426–1435.

2001 journal article
The Ca2+ status of the endoplasmic reticulum is altered by induction of calreticulin expression in transgenic plants
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 126(3), 1092–1104.

2000 journal article
Plant nuclei can contain extensive grooves and invaginations
Plant Cell, 12(12), 2425–2439.
1999 journal article
Model system for plant cell biology: GFP imaging in living onion epidermal cells
BIOTECHNIQUES, 26(6), 1125-+.

1998 journal article
Growth dynamics and cytoskeleton organization during stem maturation and gravity-induced stem bending in Zea mays L.
PLANTA, 207(2), 246–258.
Contributors: D. Collings n, H. Winter n, n & N. Allen n