Works (7)
2015 review
The evolution of forest genetics and tree improvement research in the United States
[Review of ]. Journal of Forestry, 113(5), 500–510.
2012 journal article
A physical map of the Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima) genome and its integration with the genetic map
TREE GENETICS & GENOMES, 9(2), 525–537.

2012 journal article
A transcriptome-based genetic map of Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima) and identification of regions of segmental homology with peach (Prunus persica)
Tree Genetics & Genomes, 9(2), 557–571.

2012 journal article
Chestnut resistance to the blight disease: Insights from transcriptome analysis
BMC Plant Biology, 12.
2010 journal article
Genomics of forest and ecosystem health in the Fagaceae: meeting report
TREE GENETICS & GENOMES, 6(5), 815–820.

2009 journal article
Comparison of the transcriptomes of American chestnut (Castanea dentata) and Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima) in response to the chestnut blight infection

2008 journal article
Role of genomics in the potential restoration of the American chestnut
TREE GENETICS & GENOMES, 5(1), 181–187.