Works (111)
2001 book
Analysis of flight vehicle performance and aerodynamic control
2001 book
Flight vehicle performance and aerodynamic control
Reston, Va: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
1997 book
Introductory aerodynamics and hydrodynamics of wings and bodies: A software-based approach
Reston, Va.: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
1994 book
Introduction to the control of dynamic systems
1994 journal article
Using the computer to enhance the learning of engineering concepts: Some examples
Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 1(4), 321–329.
1991 book
Aircraft performance, stability and control
1991 book
Aircraft performance, stability, and contro
Monterey, Calif: Aircraft Designs, Inc.
1985 conference paper
An improved panel method for determining the drag of isolated bodies at small angles of attack
International Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics : Sep. 9-12, 1985, Kenchiku-Kaikan, Tokyo. Tokyo : Japan Society of Computational Fluid Dynamics.
1984 book
Computer-assisted analysis of aircraft performance, stability, and control
1982 journal article
Automated design of minimum drag light aircraft fuselages and nacelles
NASA Contractor Report, CR1 68913(May).
1982 conference paper
Design of minimum drag fairings for specific payload packages
Conference proceedings : IEEE Southeastcon '82, April 4-7, 1982, Sandestin, Destin, Florida., 134–139. New York : ?b Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
1982 book
Fortran codes for classical methods in linear dynamics
1981 conference paper
Analytical studies on the effects of cooling flows on light aircraft drag
SAE Business Aircraft Conference, (April).
1981 conference paper
Integration of propeller slipstreams into the aerodynamic analysis of bodies
SAE Business Aircraft Conference, (April).
1980 journal article
A Study of optimum cowl shapes and flow port locations for minimum drag and effective engine cooling., Volume I.
NASA Contractor Report, CR 159379(November).
1979 conference paper
A home-size solar-powered engine for cooling systems or generation of electricity
Mechanics of bimodulus materials : ?b presented at the ASME winter annual meeting, New York, New York, December 2-7, 1979. New York: ASME.
1979 journal article
An analytical investigation of the the effectiveness of solar collectors as nighttime heat radiators
NASA Contractor Report, CR 3111(March).
1979 journal article
Flight evaluation of predicted light aircraft drag, performance, and stability
NASA Contractor Report, CR 158076(May).
1979 conference paper
Recent results obtained with a new method for measuring power and drag in flight
SAE Business Aircraft Conference, (April).
1979 journal article
Results of heating mode performance tests of a solar-assisted heat pump
NASA Contractor Report, CR 3112(April).
1977 journal article
An economic and performance study of solar preheaters for domestic hot water heaters in North Carolina
NASA Contractor Report, CR 2813(March).
1977 conference paper
Comparison of a new method for measuring aircraft power in flight with a standard technique
SAE Business Aircraft Conference, (March).
1977 conference paper
Comparison of predicted with measured aerodynamic characteristics of the ATLIT airplane
SAE Business Aircraft Conference, (March).
1977 journal article
Prediction of light aircraft tail onset flows ? a review and analysis
NASA Contractor Report, CR 2774(April).
1977 journal article
Take advantage of low-cost information
Industrial Engineering, 9(11), 36–38.
1975 journal article
A new wind energy system, department of mechanical and aerospace engineering report
NASA Contractor Report, CR 146539(November).
1975 conference paper
Drag analysis methods for light aircraft
SAE Business Aircraft Conference, (April).
1975 journal article
Light aircraft lift, drag, and moment prediction ? a review and analysis
NASA Contractor Report, CR 2523(May).
1975 journal article
Mapping individual logical processes
Educational and Psychological Measurement, 35(August), 679–682.
1975 conference paper
Nacelle drag reduction: An analytically-guided experimental program
Proceedings of the NASA?Industry?University General Aviation Drag Reduction Workshop : July 14-16, 1975, Space Technology Center, University of Kansas, 257–261. Lawrence : Space Technology Center, University of Kansas.
1975 conference paper
Prospects and time tables for analytical estimation of the drag of complete aircraft configurations
Proceedings of the NASA?Industry?University General Aviation Drag Reduction Workshop : ?b July 14-16, 1975, Space Technology Center, University of Kansas, 39–41. Lawrence : Space Technology Center, University of Kansas.
1975 journal article
Solar assisted heat pumps: A possible wave of the future, department of mechanical and aerospace engineering report
NASA Contractor Report, CR 2771(December).
1975 conference paper
Storage of summertime waste heat from electric generating plants for use in wintertime
AIAA 10th Thermophysics Conference [held in] Denver, Colorado, May 27-29, 1975. New York, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
1975 conference paper
Turbo jet engine gas path analysis ? a review and analysis
AGARD conference proceedings, 165, 16–11-1613.
1974 journal article
A study of the relative effectiveness and costs of computerized information retrieval in the interactive mode North Carolina Science and Technology Research Center Report STR-505
NASA Contractor Report, CR 142206(November).
1974 journal article
Industrial noise control: Some case histories. Vol. 1, North Carolina Science and Technology Center Report STR-504
NASA Contractor Report, CR 142314(August).
1974 journal article
Mapping individual logical processes in information searching North Carolina Science and Technology Research Center Report STR-506
NASA Contractor Report, CR 142207(November).
1973 journal article
A designstudy for a simply-to-fly, constant-attitude aircraft
NASA Contractor Report, CR 2208(March).
1973 journal article
An analytical study of the response of a constant-attitude aircraft to atmospheric turbulence
NASA Contractor Report, CR 2204(March).
1973 journal article
Equilibrium concentrations of N2H4 and its decomposition products at elevated pressures and temperatures, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Report
NASA Contractor Report, CR 135478(May).
1973 journal article
Point and path performance of light aircraft ? a review and analysis
NASA Contractor Report, CR 2272(June).
1973 journal article
Toward simpler techniques for the prediction of lift, drag, and moment characteristics of airfoils at transonic speeds
Journal of Aircraft, 10(2), 124–126.
1972 journal article
A fast-acting electrical servo for the actuation of full-span fowler type wing flaps in DLC applications ? a detail design study
NASA Contractor Report, CR 2059(July).
1972 conference paper
Automated prediction of light aircraft performance and riding and handling qualities
SAE Business Aircraft Conference, (April).
1972 journal article
Characteristics of an arc-heatedfreejetissuing from a supersonic nozzle
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), TR-72(July).
1972 journal article
Development of computer programs to determine the aerodynamic characteristics of complete light aircraft: Final report
NASA Contractor Report, CR 139690(August).
1972 journal article
Flight testing for the evaluation of light aircraft stability derivatives ? a review and analysis
NASA Contractor Report, CR 2016(May).
1972 journal article
Riding and handling qualities of light aircraft
NASA Contractor Report, CR 1975(March).
1972 journal article
The performance of a nude ionization gauge in a low temperatureenvironment, proceedings of the eighth international symposium on rarefied gas dynamics
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), TR-72(July).
1971 conference paper
A correlation of recent results on the mass flow and pressure distribution in the transition regime
Rarefied gas dynamics : proceedings of the seventh International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics held at the University of Pisa, June 19-July 3, 1970, 241–249. Pisa, Italy : Editrice tecnico scientifica.
1971 conference paper
A flight control system providing a simple-to-fly constant attitude aircraft
SAE Business Aircraft Conference, (March).
1971 journal article
Observations on the effects of pressure ratio and upstream flow conditions on the acoustical response of closed pipes
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, (February), 399–401.
1971 conference paper
The entrainment and trapping of helium by a condensing gas stream
Rarefied gas dynamics : proceedings of the seventh International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics held at the University of Pisa, June 19-July 3, 1970, 1023–1031. Pisa, Italy : Editrice tecnico scientifica.
1970 journal article
A study of NACA and NASA published information of pertinence in the design of light aircraft, Vol. 1: Structures
NASA Contractor Report, CR-1484(March).
1969 conference paper
Experiments on the current collected by a cylindrical languir probe in a rarefied plasma streaming with high velocity
Advances in Applied Mechanics. Supplements, 5, 1783–1790.
1969 conference paper
Literature search for theses by computer?results of the first two years of the program
Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science, 6, 95–100.
1969 conference paper
Results of a numerical experiment to determine the current collected in a charged cylinder in a collisionless plasma stream
Advances in Applied Mechanics. Supplements, 5, 1627–1636.
1969 journal article
State-of-the-art review of turbine engine checkout techniques
AIAA Paper, 69-581.
1969 journal article
Temperature effects on ionization gauge performance at low pressures
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology, 6(5), 874–878.
1968 journal article
Effects of downstream geometry on rarefied gas flow through a nozzle throat
AIAA Journal, 6(7).
1968 journal article
Pressure sensitivity in ionization gauges
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology, 5(2), 62–64.
1968 journal article
Results of an experiment to provide low cost computer searches of the NASA information file to university graduate students in the Southeast
NASA Contractor Report, CR-95724(July).
1967 journal article
Measurements of the discharge characteristics of sharp-edged and round-edged orifices in the transition regime, rarefied gas dynamics
Advances in Applied Mechanics. Supplements, 4, 1243–1254.
1967 book
Turbine engine checkout
Ft. Belvoir Defense Technical Information Center.
1966 journal article
An absolute high resolution calibrator for vacuum gauges
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology, 3(2), 49–53.
1966 journal article
On the determination of parachute cloth permeability
Zeitschrift Fu?r Flugwissenschaften, 14(10), 429–435.
1966 journal article
Transition regime flow through a short tube with a bell mouth entry
AIAA Journal, 4(1).
1966 journal article
low-rate gas flow meter
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology, 3(6), 357–359.
1965 journal article
Results of a research program to develop the aerodynamic configuration of a pitot-static tube capable of accurate operation to mach number 5 and 150,000 ft.
Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society, (March), 200–201.
1965 conference paper
Theoretical study of a convergentnozzle and free jet flow
Proceedings of the fluid amplification symposium, 5–28. Washington : Army Materiel Command, Harry Diamond Laboratories.
1964 conference paper
A study of means for measuring electron density in a 24? diameter arc-heated hypersonic wind tunnel
Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Instrumentation in Aerospace Simulation Facilities, Paris, 28-29 Sept. 1964, E?cole Nationale Superie?ure de l'Ae?ronautique. Alexandria, Va. : Defense Documentation Center, Defense Supply Agency.
1964 conference paper
Aerodynamic characteristics of representative parachute fabrics at simulated altitudes
Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Space Technology and Science : Tokyo, 1963. Tokyo, Japan : Distributed by AGNE Corp.
1964 conference paper
An approach to the measurement of air data parameters for guidance and navigation during atmospheric reentry
Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Space Technology and Science : Tokyo, 1963., 259–272. Tokyo, Japan : Distributed by AGNE Corp.
1964 journal article
Comments on flow nozzles with zero beta ratio
Journal of Basic Engineering, (September).
1963 journal article
Comments on angle of attack and sideslip from pressure measurements on a fixed hemispherical nose
AIAA Journal, 1(3).
1963 conference paper
Convergent-divergent nozzle dischargecharacteristics in the transition regime between free molecule and contiuum flow
Use of models and scaling in shock and vibration. ?b Papers presented at a colloquium on use of models and scaling in shock and vibration at the Winter annual meeting of the ASME, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Tuesday, November 19, 1963. New York: ASME.
1963 journal article
EGF flow analysis program
ASD Technical Report, 63-794,(August).
1963 conference paper
On the current collected by a charged cylinder immersed in a two-dimensional rarefied plasmastream
Advances in Applied Mechanics. Supplements, 2, 65–90.
1963 journal article
On the prediction of gas flow rates through round wire screens
Journal of Basic Engineering, (December), 620–624.
1962 journal article
A calibration facility for high resolution vacuum gauges
USCEC Report, 83-214(July).
1962 journal article
A preliminary investigation of the effects of variations in Reynolds numbers and surface temperature on four surface pressures on a slightly blunted 7 1/2 degree half-angle cone at mach numbers 5 and 8 and angles of attack up to 24 degrees
ASD Technical Report, TR 62-360(May).
1962 journal article
Comment on comparison of flow direction probes at supersonic speeds
Journal of the Aerospace Sciences, 29(5), 625–626.
1962 journal article
Pressure lag through orifices and short tubes for small pressure ratios and flow conditions from free molecule to continuum
USCEC Report, 83-211(January).
1961 journal article
A semi-empirical description of the discharge characteristics of a low-density hypersonic nozzle
Journal of the Aerospace Sciences, (December), 988–989.
1961 journal article
Experimental study of heating a gas flow by high frequency discharge
AEDC TR, 61-11(September).
1961 journal article
Theoretical and experimental study of gas flow through cloth over a Range of Pressure and Temperatures
ASD Technical Report, TR 61-192(June).
1960 journal article
Properties of the plasma sheath and its effects on the transmission of electromagnetic waves
USCEC Report, 85-101(April).
1960 journal article
Studies in the heating of a supersonic gas stream by a radio frequency discharge
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), TN 60-648(June).
1959 journal article
Design and test of aerodynamically-compensated pitot-static tubes for four service aircraft
WADC Technical Report, (May).
1959 conference paper
Experiments on a radio frequency discharge plasma in supersonic flow
1959 Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute : ?b preprints of papers. Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press for the Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute.
1959 journal article
Some further results on heating a supersonic gas stream with a radio frequency discharge
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), TN 59-1127(November).
1958 journal article
A further study of angle-ofattack, angle-of-sideslip, pitot-static probes
WADC Technical Report, (June).
1958 journal article
A furtherstudy ofangle-of-attack, angle-of-sideslip, pitot-static probes. Supplement I: Calibration of the USCEC head at transonic speeds
WADC Technical Report, (June).
1958 conference paper
Design of aerodynamic static pressure compensation for service aircraft
Proceedings of I.S.A. fourth national flight test instrumentation symposium. Pittsburgh : I.S.A.
1958 journal article
Final report: Investigation of circulation control
USCEC Report, 49-101.
1958 journal article
Investigation of free-stream and stagnation pressure measurement from transonic and supersonic aircraft. Final report
WADC Technical Report, (April).
1957 journal article
A Study of angle-of-attack and angle-of-sideslip pitot-static probes
WADC Technical Report, (January).
1957 journal article
Investigation of free stream and stagnation pressure measurement from transonic and supersonic aircraft. Phase III: Development and flight test of aerodynamic static pressure compensation for a service type aircraft
WADC Technical Report, (September).
1956 journal article
Investigation of circulation control
USCEC Report, 49-8(June).
1955 journal article
Determination of frequency response characteristics, including coupling tendencies, during standard Air Force phase tests, with results on F-86D at M =0.85
Air Force Technical Note AFFTC, TR 54-19(May).
1955 journal article
Investigation of supersonic diffuserinstability
USCEC Report, 41-5(August).
1955 journal article
Longitudinal and directional frequency response characteristics of an F-86D
Air Force Technical Note AFFTC, N 55-29(December).
1955 journal article
experimental longitudinal frequency response characteristics of the F-94C aircraft
Air Force Technical Note AFFTC, 55-1(February).
1954 journal article
An explanation of the theory and applications of dynamic response flight testing
Air Force Technical Note AFFTC, 54-1(May).
1954 journal article
Determination of neutral points and maneuver points from longitudinally accelerated flight data
Air Force Technical Note AFFTC, R-19(July).
1952 journal article
C-12 a final structural inegrity demonstration flight tests
Douglas Aircraft Company Report, Dev 960(February).
journal article
A Study of theses produced at three universities for possible commercial applications
Smetana, F. O. NASA Contractor Report, CR 95703.
journal article
A study of fluidic whistles as temperature sensors
Daggerhart, J. A., & Smetana, F. O. NASA Contractor Report, CR 112383.
journal article
An experimental study of the cryoentrainment pump
Daggerhart, J. A., & Smetana, F. O. NASA Contractor Report, CR 66873.
journal article
Literature search performance as affected by searcher?s background
Smetana, F. O. NASA Contractor Report, CR 155960.
journal article
Literature searches for theses by computer: Second year of the program
Smetana, F. O., & Walker, S. R. NASA Contractor Report, CR 106262.