Works (21)
2006 article
The visibility of feminist thought in family studies
Wills, J. B., & Risman, B. J. (2006, August). JOURNAL OF MARRIAGE AND FAMILY, Vol. 68, pp. 690–700.

2005 review
The commercialization of intimate life: Notes from home and work
[Review of ]. Contemporary Sociology, 34(2), 128–131.
2004 journal article
Gender as a social structure - Theory wrestling with activism
GENDER & SOCIETY, 18(4), 429–450.

2003 article
From the SWS president: Valuing all flavors of feminist sociology
Risman, B. J. (2003, October). GENDER & SOCIETY, Vol. 17, pp. 659–663.

2002 journal article
After the sexual revolution: Gender politics in teen dating
Contexts (Berkeley, Calif.), 1(1), 16–24.
2001 journal article
Calling the bluff of value-free science - Comment

2001 journal article
Constructing global feminism: Transnational advocacy networks and Russian women's activism
SIGNS, 26(4), 1155–1186.

1999 journal article
The Russian women's movement: Activists' strategies and identities
WOMEN & POLITICS, 20(3), 83–109.

1999 journal article
Understanding the juggling act: Gendered preferences and social structural constraints
SOCIOLOGICAL FORUM, 14(2), 319–344.

1999 review
Women in Russia and Ukraine
[Review of ]. Signs, 24(3), 795–798.
1999 review
Women's voices in Russia today
[Review of ]. Signs, 24(3), 795–798.
1998 journal article
A window on the discipline
Contemporary Sociology, 27(1), 1–2.
1998 journal article
Doing it fairly: A study of postgender marriages

1998 journal article
Doing it fairly: Understanding feminist marriage
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 60(1), 23–40.
1998 journal article
Editors' Note
Contemporary Sociology, 27(2), vii-.
1998 book
Feminist foundations: Toward transforming sociology
Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
1998 book
Gender vertigo: American families in transition
New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press.
1998 journal article
Contemporary Sociology, 27(1), 1–2.
1997 journal article
As the twig is bent: Children reared in feminist households
Qualitative Sociology, 20(2), 229–252.
1997 journal article
Doing it fairly: A study of post-gender marriages
1989 book
Gender in intimate relationships a microstructural approach
Belmont, Calif: Wadsworth Pub Co.