2009 journal article
RNA interference-mediated knock-down ofBla g 1in the German cockroach,Blattella germanicaL., implicates this allergen-encoding gene in digestion and nutrient absorption
Insect Molecular Biology, 18(6), 727–736.
Contributors: A. Suazo n, C. Gore & C. Schal n
1999 journal article
In ovo peptide YY administration improves growth and feed conversion ratios in week-old broiler chicks
POULTRY SCIENCE, 78(9), 1320–1322.
1997 journal article
Enhancement of humoral and cellular immunity by vitamin E after embryonic exposure
POULTRY SCIENCE, 76(7), 984–991.
1997 journal article
Vitamin E exposure modulates prostaglandin and thromboxane production by avian cells of the mononuclear phagocytic system
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