@article{day_zahn_tichavsky_2015, title={What Works for Whom? The Effects of Gender Responsive Programming on Girls and Boys in Secure Detention}, volume={52}, ISSN={["1552-731X"]}, DOI={10.1177/0022427814538033}, abstractNote={Objectives: This study investigates whether gender responsive programming is effective at reducing recidivism relative to traditional, reinforcement-based programming for both girls and boys in secure detention. Methods: Event-history analysis is used to examine recidivism outcomes for two propensity score matched samples of girls ( n = 148) and boys ( n = 140) released from gender responsive versus traditional detention facilities in Connecticut. The contingent effects of trauma, depression/anxiety, alcohol/drug abuse, anger/irritability, and somatic complaints are also examined. Results: Compared to traditional programming, gender responsive programming for youth in secure detention is associated with a lower risk of recidivism for girls with gender-sensitive risk factors but a higher risk of recidivism among girls who do not display these risk factors. Gender responsive programs are no more or less effective at reducing recidivism for boys, regardless of whether they display risk factors commonly associated with girls’ delinquency and confinement. Conclusions: The results suggest that girls in secure detention require different approaches depending on their histories of trauma and associated mental and physical health issues. While girls who follow gendered pathways into detention benefit from the relational approach employed in gender responsive programs, girls without such issues benefit more from traditional reinforcement programming. }, number={1}, journal={JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN CRIME AND DELINQUENCY}, author={Day, Jacob C. and Zahn, Margaret A. and Tichavsky, Lisa P.}, year={2015}, month={Feb}, pages={93–129} } @article{day_mcdonald_2010, title={NOT SO FAST, MY FRIEND: SOCIAL CAPITAL AND THE RACE DISPARITY IN PROMOTIONS AMONG COLLEGE FOOTBALL COACHES}, volume={30}, ISSN={["0273-2173"]}, DOI={10.1080/02732170903495937}, abstractNote={To better understand persistent racial inequality in occupational mobility, we examine the influence of race and social capital on the promotions of 320 assistant college football coaches. The results from quantitative analyses demonstrate that social capital matters a great deal for promotions, but its impact is contingent on the race of the respondent. Specifically, network connections to heterogeneous contacts (racially heterophilous ties, weak ties, and high-status ties) appear to be more effective for black coaches than for white coaches. The findings underscore the importance and complexity of the relationships between race, social capital, and occupational mobility.}, number={2}, journal={SOCIOLOGICAL SPECTRUM}, author={Day, Jacob C. and McDonald, Steve}, year={2010}, pages={138–158} } @article{zahn_day_mihalic_tichavsky_2009, title={Determining What Works for Girls in the Juvenile Justice System A Summary of Evaluation Evidence}, volume={55}, ISSN={["1552-387X"]}, DOI={10.1177/0011128708330649}, abstractNote={Despite increasing attention on gender-specific programming for girls involved in the juvenile justice system, not much is known about the effectiveness of gender-specific programs. The authors review the evidence base for the effectiveness of programs for girls in custody or under supervision by examining the evaluation evidence for nine gender-specific programs (which exclusively target girls) and six gender-non-specific programs (which target both girls and boys). Through this process, the authors summarize the evidence of effectiveness available to researchers and practitioners, identify barriers to determining what programs work for adjudicated girls, and make recommendations for building a solid evidence base on what works for adjudicated girls.}, number={2}, journal={CRIME & DELINQUENCY}, author={Zahn, Margaret A. and Day, Jacob C. and Mihalic, Sharon F. and Tichavsky, Lisa}, year={2009}, month={Apr}, pages={266–293} }