W. A. Gutierrez
Works (5)
2008 journal article
Evaluation of tobacco germplasm for seedling resistance to stem rot and target spot caused by Thanatephorus cucumeris
PLANT DISEASE, 92(3), 425–430.

2007 journal article
A rapid technique for determination of races of Phytophthora nicotianae on tobacco
PLANT DISEASE, 91(8), 985–989.

2000 journal article
Factors that affect development of collar rot on tobacco seedlings grown in greenhouses
PLANT DISEASE, 84(10), 1076–1080.

1998 journal article
Identification and quantification of ascospores as the primary inoculum for collar rot of greenhouse-produced tobacco seedlings
PLANT DISEASE, 82(5), 485–490.

1997 journal article
Sources of inoculum and management for Rhizoctonia solani damping-off on tobacco transplants under greenhouse conditions
PLANT DISEASE, 81(6), 604–606.