@article{waters_tindall_morton_2011, title={Dropping the ball on media inquiries: The role of deadlines in media catching}, volume={37}, number={2}, journal={Public Relations Review}, author={Waters, R. D. and Tindall, N. T. J. and Morton, T. S.}, year={2011}, pages={151–156} } @article{waters_2011, title={Increasing fundraising efficiency through evaluation: Applying communication theory to the nonprofit organization-donor relationship}, volume={40}, number={3}, journal={Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly}, author={Waters, R. D.}, year={2011}, pages={458–475} } @article{waters_2011, title={Redefining sewardship: Examining how Fortune 100 organizations use stewardship with virtual stakeholders}, volume={37}, number={2}, journal={Public Relations Review}, author={Waters, R. D.}, year={2011}, pages={129–136} } @article{waters_bortree_2010, title={Building a better workplace for teen volunteers through inclusive behaviors}, volume={20}, number={3}, journal={Nonprofit Management & Leadership}, author={Waters, R. D. and Bortree, D. S.}, year={2010}, pages={337–355} } @article{waters_tindall_morton_2010, title={Media catching and the journalist-public relations practitioner relationship: How social media are changing the practice of media relations}, volume={22}, number={3}, journal={Journal of Public Relations Research}, author={Waters, R. D. and Tindall, N. T. J. and Morton, T. S.}, year={2010}, pages={241–264} } @article{waters_2009, title={Comparing the two sides of the nonprofit organization-donor relationship: Applying coorientation methodology to relationship management}, volume={35}, ISSN={["0363-8111"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.pubrev.2009.01.011}, abstractNote={Although public relations scholars recommend practitioners strive for symmetry in their communication programming, scholarship on the organization–public relationship has abandoned the push for symmetry despite potential problems that could emerge when the organization and publics have different viewpoints. Using the coorientation methodology, this study found that even though fundraisers and donors at a West coast hospital viewed their relationship positively, the differences in the evaluations leave room for the organization to devise strategies to improve the relationship status.}, number={2}, journal={PUBLIC RELATIONS REVIEW}, author={Waters, Richard D.}, year={2009}, month={Jun}, pages={144–146} } @article{waters_burnett_lamm_lucas_2009, title={Engaging stakeholders through social networking: How nonprofit organizations are using Facebook}, volume={35}, ISSN={["0363-8111"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.pubrev.2009.01.006}, abstractNote={Since social networking sites, such as MySpace and Facebook, began allowing organizations to create profiles and become active members, organizations have started incorporating these strategies into their public relations programming. For-profit organizations have used these sites to help launch products and strengthen their existing brands; however, little is known about how nonprofit organizations are taking advantage of the social networking popularity. Through a content analysis of 275 nonprofit organization profiles on Facebook, this study examines how these new social networking sites are being used by the organizations to advance their organization's mission and programs. Solely having a profile will not in itself increase awareness or trigger an influx of participation. Instead careful planning and research will greatly benefit nonprofits as they attempt to develop social networking relationships with their stakeholders.}, number={2}, journal={PUBLIC RELATIONS REVIEW}, author={Waters, Richard D. and Burnett, Emily and Lamm, Anna and Lucas, Jessica}, year={2009}, month={Jun}, pages={102–106} } @article{waters_2009, title={Examining the role of cognitive dissonance in crisis fundraising}, volume={35}, ISSN={["1873-4537"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.pubrev.2008.11.001}, abstractNote={Fundraising scholarship has focused on the application of public relations theory to the process particularly in exploring the predictive power in applying relationship management theory to the non-profit organization–donor relationship. However, people often are impacted by catastrophic events and want to donate to relief efforts even though they may not be connected to the region. A survey of two American Red Cross chapters’ donors revealed that individuals who contributed to the December 2004 tsunami relief efforts were more likely to experience feelings of cognitive dissonance than non-donors, and their donations resulted in a consonance restoration. These results support an argument for non-profits, particularly those in crisis response, to have an active crisis communication plan in place that deals not only with responding to the event but also having a proactive plan established to publicize how to donate to relief efforts. Highlighting the consonance restoration, non-profits should also discuss the positive aspects of donating to their efforts, such as the work being done for the disaster victims.}, number={2}, journal={PUBLIC RELATIONS REVIEW}, author={Waters, Richard D.}, year={2009}, month={Jun}, pages={139–143} } @article{waters_2009, title={Measuring stewardship in public relations: A test exploring impact on the fundraising relationship}, volume={35}, ISSN={["0363-8111"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.pubrev.2009.01.012}, abstractNote={Though scholars have explored the impact symmetrical relationship maintenance strategies from interpersonal and marketing communication in public relations contexts, they have largely ignored stewardship. Explicated by Kelly [Kelly, K. S. (2001a). Stewardship: The fifth step in the public relations process. In R. L. Heath (Ed.), Handbook of public relations (pp. 279–289). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage] as a core component of the ROPES process of public relations, the "S" or stewardship proposes four elements that foster relationship growth when incorporated into organization's strategic efforts. This study created original scales to measure the impact of reciprocity, responsibility, reporting, and relationship nurturing in the fundraising setting. Results indicate that donors favor these strategies, and path analysis demonstrates they have significant impact on how donors evaluate the nonprofit organization–donor relationship.}, number={2}, journal={PUBLIC RELATIONS REVIEW}, author={Waters, Richard D.}, year={2009}, month={Jun}, pages={113–119} }