Works (6)
2002 journal article
Defoliation intensity effects on season-long dry matter distribution and nutritive value of tall fescue
CROP SCIENCE, 42(4), 1274–1284.

2000 journal article
Summer accumulation of tall fescue at low elevations in the Piedmont: I. Fall yield and nutritive value
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 92(2), 211–216.

2000 journal article
Summer accumulation of tall fescue at low elevations in the humid Piedmont: II. Fall and winter changes in nutritive value
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 92(2), 217–224.

1998 book
Carostan flaccidgrass: Establishment, adaption, production management, forage quality, and utilization
Raleigh, NC: N.C. Agricultural Research Service, N.C. State University.
1998 journal article
Nitrogen and defoliation management: Effects on yield and nutritive value of flaccidgrass
Agronomy Journal, 90(1), 85–92.

1990 journal article
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 82(2), 283–286.