Works (4)
2016 journal article
Does florivory by Helicoverpa zea cause yield loss in soybeans?
J. Econ. Entomol, 110(2), 464–470.

2009 journal article
Seeding Rate Effects on Weed Control and Yield For Organic Soybean Production
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 23(4), 497–502.

2006 article
Increased occurrence of target spot of soybean caused by Corynespora cassiicola in the southeastern United States.
Koenning, SR, Creswell, T. C., Dunphy, E. J., Sikora, E. J., & Mueller, J. D. (2006, July). PLANT DISEASE, Vol. 90, pp. 974–974.

2002 journal article
Yield and economic return of ten peanut-based cropping systems
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 94(6), 1289–1294.