Works (9)
2019 journal article
Alterations in cellular and viral microRNA and cellular gene expression in Marek's disease virus-transformed T-cell lines treated with sodium butyrate
POULTRY SCIENCE, 98(2), 642–652.

2012 journal article
Characterization of miR-10a mediated gene regulation in avian splenocytes
GENE, 500(1), 107–114.

2012 article
Characterization of miR-10a mediated gene regulation in avian splenocytes (vol 500, pg 107, 2012)
Trakooljul, N., Hicks, J. A., & Liu, H.-C. (2012, August 10). GENE, Vol. 504, pp. 315–316.

2010 journal article
Age and Dietary Iron Affect Expression of Genes Involved in Iron Acquisition and Homeostasis in Young Pigs
JOURNAL OF NUTRITION, 140(2), 271–277.

2010 review
Current knowledge of microRNA characterization in agricultural animals
[Review of ]. ANIMAL GENETICS, 41(3), 225–231.

2010 journal article
Discovery of chicken microRNAs associated with lipogenesis and cell proliferation

2010 journal article
Identification of target genes and pathways associated with chicken microRNA miR-143
ANIMAL GENETICS, 41(4), 357–364.

2010 journal article
Proteins involved in iron metabolism in beef cattle are affected by copper deficiency in combination with high dietary manganese, but not by copper deficiency alone

2009 journal article
Iron Transporters Are Differentially Regulated by Dietary Iron, and Modifications Are Associated with Changes in Manganese Metabolism in Young Pigs
JOURNAL OF NUTRITION, 139(8), 1474–1479.