Works (96)
2010 book
Writing in the sciences : exploring conventions of scientific discourse (3rd ed.)
New York : Pearson Longman.
2005 book
Nana!: poems
Raleigh, NC: Moses, Ink.
2004 conference paper
The Alphabet as ethics: a rhetorical basis for moral reality in hebrew letters
In G. A. Hauser & A. Grim (Eds.), Rhetorical democracy: Discursive practices of civic engagement: Selected papers from the 2002 conference of the Rhetoric Society of America (pp. 195–204). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Ed(s): . G. A. Hauser & A. Grim
2004 manuscript
The Beautiful machine
(Vol. 27, p. 15).
2004 book
Writing in the sciences: Exploring conventions of scientific discourse
New York: Pearson/Longman.
2003 manuscript
After the fury and the silence
(Vol. 21, pp. 104–105).
2003 manuscript
High tech dada
(Vol. 26, p. 14).
2003 journal article
Letter as essence: the rhetorical (im)pulse of the Hebrew alefbet
Journal of Communication and Religion, 26, 125–160.
2003 manuscript
Slow Comfort Consuming the Body
2003 manuscript
Snowfell in the south
(Vol. 35, pp. 244–245).
2003 manuscript
The 'Rhetorician, on Talking with Animals'
(Vol. 54, pp. 486–487).
2002 manuscript
School of death
(Vol. 35, p. 154).
2001 journal article
Language and persuasion in biotechnology communication with the public: how to not say what you?re not going to not say and not say it
Agbioforum, 4(2).
2001 manuscript
Mediated experience
(Vol. 33, p. 257).
2001 journal article
Memories of a Persian childhood: from America
News and Observer [Raleigh, N.C.], (2001 Nov 18), 4D.
2001 chapter
Out of hospital
In The practice of dream healing: Bringing ancient Greek mysteries into modern medicine (p. 251). Wheaton, Ill.: Quest Books/Theosophical Pub. House.
2001 review
Rhetorical Figures in Science by Jean Fahnestock
[Review of ]. Isis, 92(2001 June), 438–439.
2001 review
The languages of Edison?s Light by Charles Bazerman
[Review of ]. College Composition and Communication, 52(3), 468–470.
2000 manuscript
After the event I: by the fire: an anti-sonnet
(Vol. 33, p. 159).
2000 journal article
Aristotle's Pharmacy: the medical rhetoric of a clinical protocol in the drug development process
Technical Communication Quarterly: TCQ, 9(3), 249–269.
2000 review
Book review: Ethics of technical communication by Paul Dombrowski
[Review of ]. Issues in Writing, 11(1), 98–105.
2000 review
Strength in the technical communication journals and diversity in the serials cited
1999 manuscript
Black Adam
(Vol. 1, p. 23).
1999 manuscript
Out of hospital
(Vol. 8, p. 83).
1999 chapter
In Metaphorical analysis of the debate on physician-assisted suicide (p. i-). New York: Edwin Mellen Press.
1998 manuscript
(Vol. 29, p. 6).
1998 manuscript
Dual Yarzheit
(Vol. 2).
1998 book
Instructor's guide for writing in the sciences: Exploring conventions of scientific discourse
New York: St. Martin''s Press.
1998 manuscript
No refill
(Vol. 30, p. 123).
1998 manuscript
Sunday school
(Vol. 31, p. 146).
1998 manuscript
The phantom car
(Vol. 2).
1998 book
Writing in the sciences: Exploring conventions of scientific discourse
New York: St. Martin's Press.
1997 manuscript
(Vol. 1).
1997 manuscript
(Vol. 1).
1997 manuscript
Linear a disk, Phaistos
(Vol. 1).
1997 manuscript
Venusian nights
(Vol. 20, pp. 5–6).
1997 manuscript
Volcano, Santorini
(Vol. 1).
1996 chapter
Low-level radioactive waste siting controversy in North Carolina: Toward a rhetorical model of risk communication
In C. G. Herndl & S. C. Brown (Eds.), Green culture: Environmental rhetoric in contemporary America (pp. 111–140). Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
Ed(s): C. Herndl & S. Brown
1996 manuscript
Menorah, 1991
(Vol. 29, p. 139).
1996 book
The Epistemic music of rhetoric: Toward the temporal dimension of affect in reader response and writing
Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.
1995 manuscript
Excerpts from Space Log
(p. 1).
1995 journal article
The Epistemology of the Kabbalah: toward a jewish philosophy of rhetoric
Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 25, 107–122.
1995 chapter
The Kabbalah as a theory of rhetoric: Another suppressed epistemology
In Rhetoric, cultural studies, and literacy: selected papers from the 1994 Conference of the Rhetoric Society of America (pp. 109–117). Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.
1994 journal article
The American phytopathological society: like charity, image begins at home
Phytopathology News, 28(9), 135–137.
1994 chapter
The Rhetoric of confessional poetry: Ethos, myth, and the narrative configuration of self
In J. Flosdorf & E. Tick (Eds.), My father was Shiva: A family tragedy in prose and poetry (pp. 109–136). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Pub. Corp.
Ed(s): . J. Flosdorf & E. Tick
1993 journal article
Aristotle's rhetoric, Hitler's program, and the ideological problem of praxis, power, and professional discourse as a social construction of knowledge
Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 37–62.
1993 review
Book review: A history of the river by James Applewhite, and C by Fred Chappell
[Review of ]. News and Observer [Raleigh, N.C.], 4G.
1993 manuscript
To the Mystic River bridge, Boston
(Vol. 25, p. 42).
1992 chapter
Narration, technical communication, and culture: The soul of a new machine as narrative romance
In M. Secor & D. Charney (Eds.), Constructing rhetorical education (pp. 382–402). Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.
Ed(s): . M. Secor & D. Charney
1992 journal article
COLLEGE ENGLISH, 54(3), 255–275.

1992 manuscript
Waking into history
(Vol. 32, pp. 7–8).
1991 manuscript
A Computer file named Alison
(Vol. 1).
1991 manuscript
After reading Godel, Escher, Bach: an eternal golden braid
(Vol. 1).
1991 manuscript
In the beginning
(Vol. 1).
1990 manuscript
(Vol. 14, p. 100).
1989 review
Book review: Style, rhetoric, and rhythm by Morris Croll
[Review of ]. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, XIX(4), 381–385.
1989 manuscript
(pp. 19–20).
1989 manuscript
Senryu (untitled)
(p. 52).
1988 manuscript
Senryu (untitled)
(Vol. 19, p. 60).
1988 manuscript
The Christmas scarf
(pp. 6–10).
1987 manuscript
A Walk in the adirondacks
(Vol. 2, p. 84).
1987 manuscript
On the balcony
(Vol. 15, p. 10).
1987 manuscript
The Anxiety tree: poplar, spring, summer, fall
(Vol. 15, p. 10).
1987 journal article
The Epistemic trend in rhetorical theory: a four-demensional review
Technical Writing Teacher, 14, 355–371.
1986 manuscript
Sestina for a runner
(Vol. 14, p. 3).
1986 chapter
The House hygienist (on the restoration of Albany)
In Gates to the city: The Albany Tricentennial anthology (p. 43). Albany, N.Y.: Albany Tricentennial Commission.
1986 manuscript
The Pasture
(Vol. 14, p. 4).
1985 manuscript
A Living
(Vol. 10, p. 11).
1985 review
Book review: On sacred mountain: vietnam remembered
[Review of ]. Greenfield Review, 13, 132–133.
1985 manuscript
City of stars
(Vol. 7, p. 4).
1985 manuscript
In our hands
(Vol. 8, pp. 13–14).
1985 manuscript
Nuclear Winter
(Vol. 1, pp. 70–75).
1985 manuscript
On this earth
(Vol. 1, pp. 98–100).
1985 manuscript
Our house
(Vol. 1, pp. 98–100).
1985 manuscript
Prosaic love
(Vol. 7, p. 4).
1985 manuscript
(Vol. 1, pp. 98–100).
1985 manuscript
(Vol. 9, p. 4).
1985 manuscript
To a computer at 3:00 a. m.: a lovesong
(Vol. 13, pp. 149–150).
1985 manuscript
Ultra-sound: fetus at minus five months and counting
(Vol. 8, pp. 13–14).
1985 manuscript
Winter grays
(Vol. 1, pp. 70–75).
1984 manuscript
Ghosts of technology
(Vol. 6, pp. 3–4).
1984 manuscript
In hospital
(Vol. 6, pp. 3–4).
1984 manuscript
London to Oxford
(Vol. 6, pp. 3–4).
1983 journal article
Education in the modern world: nature as organism or machine
Gateway Review, 1, 22–33.
1983 chapter
House painting as media
In Ocean state poems by Rhode Island writers (pp. 21–23). Kingston, R.I.: Northeast Journal.
1983 chapter
Speculation on leaves
In Ocean state poems by Rhode Island writers (pp. 21–23). Kingston, R.I.: Northeast Journal.
1981 manuscript
After the dream
(Vol. 1, p. 9).
1981 manuscript
Aubade: a dream
(Vol. 1, p. 9).
1981 manuscript
The President
(Vol. 2, p. 12).
1980 manuscript
Halloween weather
(Vol. 2, pp. 43–47).
1980 manuscript
The White house at Norfolk
(Vol. 2, pp. 43–47).
1979 manuscript
Evening, Harvard Square
(Vol. 7, p. 3).
1975 manuscript
A Poet
(Vol. 15, p. 8).
1974 manuscript
1974 manuscript
1973 manuscript