Works (21)
2008 review
Natural treatment and onsite systems
[Review of ]. Water Environment Research, 80(10), 1206–1224.
2007 review
Natural treatment and onsite processes
[Review of ]. Water Environment Research, 79(10), 1451–1473.
2006 journal article
Natural treatment and onsite processes
Water Environment Research, 78(10), 1386–1405.

2005 journal article
Role of internal nutrient storage in duckweed growth for swine wastewater treatment
Transactions of the ASAE, 48(6), 2247–2258.

2004 review
Natural treatment and onsite processes
[Review of ]. WATER ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH, 76(6), 1191–1237.

2003 journal article
Modeling Nitrogen Transport in Duckweed Pond for Secondary Treatment of Swine Wastewater
Journal of Environmental Engineering, 129(8), 731–739.
Contributors: S. Chaiprapat *, J. Cheng n , J. Classen n , J. Ducoste n & n

2003 conference paper
Swine wastewater treatment in an integrated system of anaerobic digestion and duckweed nutrient removal
ASAE annual International Meeting 2003, Las Vegas : The Riviera Hotel, July 27-30, 2003.

2002 conference paper
Role of internal nutrient storage in duckweed for secondary swine wastewater treatment
Paper, 2002 ASAE annual international meeting/CIGR XVth world congress : Hyatt Regency Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA, July 28 - July 31, 2002, 2, 4130.
2001 journal article
Development of a constructed subsurface-flow wetland simulation model
Ecological Engineering, 16(4), 519–536.
2001 conference paper
Modeling nitrogen transfer in duckweed covered pond for secondary treatment of swine wastewater
Proceedings of the International Symposium Addressing Animal Production and Environmental Issues.
2000 book
Constructed wetlands treatment of high nitrogen landfill leachate
Alexandria, VA : Water Environment Research Foundation.
2000 journal article
Mechanisms of dinitrogen gas formation in anaerobic lagoons
Advances in Environmental Research, 4(2), 133–139.
1999 article
Assessing denitrification rate limiting factors in a constructed wetland receiving landfill leachate

1999 journal article
Exopolysaccharide control of methane oxidation in landfill cover soil
Journal of Environmental Engineering (New York, N.Y.), 125(12), 1113–1123.

1999 journal article
Flow pattern analysis of constructed wetlands treating landfill leachate
Water Science and Technology, 40(3), 309–315.
1998 journal article
Effect of in-lake water quality on pollutant removal in two ponds
Journal of Environmental Engineering (New York, N.Y.), 124(8), 737–743.

1998 conference paper
Measurement of denitrification rates in a constructed wetlands receiving municipal solid waste landfill leachate
Engineering approaches to ecosystem restoration: Protecting, restoring and managing the world's water resources: Proceedings of the Wetlands Engineering & River Restoration Conference 1998, American Society of Civil Engineers, March 22-27, 1998, Denver CO.
1997 report
Evaluation of wet ponds for protection of public water supplies
In Report (Water Resources Research Institute of the University of North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: University of North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute.
1997 conference paper
Nitrogen removal in constructed wetlands treating high nitrogen landfill leachate
Proceedings WEFTEC '97: Water Environment Federation 70th Annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago, Illinois, October 18-22, 1997, (1997 Oct.).
1995 article
Effect of pH on metals precipitation in denitrifying biofilms

1994 journal article
Metals removal by algal biofilms
Water Science and Technology, 30(11), 59.