Works (7)
2002 journal article
Effect of physical feed restriction during rearing on Large White turkey breeder hens: 3. Body and carcass composition
POULTRY SCIENCE, 81(12), 1792–1797.

2002 journal article
Effect of physical feed restriction during rearing on large white turkey breeder hens: 1. Growth performance
POULTRY SCIENCE, 81(1), 9–15.
2002 journal article
Effect of physical feed restriction during rearing on large white turkey breeder hens: 2. Reproductive performance
POULTRY SCIENCE, 81(1), 16–22.
2001 journal article
Restriction of feed consumption and body weight in turkey breeder hens during the rearing period to improve reproductive performance
Zootecnica International, (5), 50.
1999 journal article
Restriction of feed consumption and body weight in two strains of large white turkey breeder hens
POULTRY SCIENCE, 78(8), 1102–1109.
1997 journal article
Enzyme supplementation may improve bird performance
Feedstuffs, 69(22), 18–193334.
1997 journal article
Enzyme supplementation to enhance wheat utilization in starter diets for broilers and turkeys