Jack E. Bailey
Works (18)
2005 journal article
Effects of sowing date and fungicide application on yield of early and late maturing peanut cultivars grown under rainfed conditions in Ghana
CROP PROTECTION, 24(4), 325–332.

2005 journal article
Management of spotted wilt vectored by Frankliniella fusca (Thysanoptera : Thripidae) in Virginia market-type peanut

2004 journal article
Disease management in overhead sprinkler and subsurface drip irrigation systems for peanut
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 96(4), 1058–1065.

2004 journal article
Peanut response to planting pattern, row spacing, and irrigation
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 96(4), 1066–1072.

2003 patent
Method of protecting plants from cold injury
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
2003 journal article
Peanut response to cultivar selection, digging date, and tillage intensity
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 95(2), 380–385.

2003 journal article
Registration of 'Perry' peanut
CROP SCIENCE, 43(2), 739–740.

2002 journal article
Influence of prohexadione calcium on pod yield and pod loss of peanut
Agronomy Journal, 94(2), 331–336.

2002 journal article
Resistance of peanut to sclerotinia blight and the effect of acibenzolar-S-methyl and fluazinam on disease incidence
PLANT DISEASE, 86(12), 1315–1317.

2002 journal article
Yield and economic return of ten peanut-based cropping systems
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 94(6), 1289–1294.
2001 journal article
Seed transmission of Cylindrocladium parasiticum in peanut
PLANT DISEASE, 85(4), 362–370.
2000 journal article
Incidence of Tomato spotted wilt virus (Bunyaviridae) and tobacco thrips in Virginia-type peanuts in North Carolina
PLANT DISEASE, 84(4), 459–464.

2000 patent
Method of protecting plants from cold injury
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
1998 journal article
Integrated management of Sclerotinia blight in peanut: Utilizing canopy morphology, mechanical pruning, and fungicide timing
PLANT DISEASE, 82(12), 1312–1318.

1998 journal article
Management of plant-parastic nematodes on peanut with selected nematicides in North Carolina
Journal of Nematology, 30(4 suppl.), 643–650.
1998 journal article
Relationship of weed populations and herb in selected North Carolina peanut fields
Proceedings, Southern Weed Science Society, 51(1998), 215–216.
1997 journal article
Effect of crop pruning on Sclerotinia blight of peanut
PLANT DISEASE, 81(9), 990–995.

1997 journal article
Registration of 'NC 12C' peanut
CROP SCIENCE, 37(6), 1976–1976.