Works (4)
2004 conference paper
On understanding compatibility of student pair programmers
Proceedings of the 35th SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education - SIGCSE '04. Presented at the the 35th SIGCSE technical symposium.
2003 chapter
Pair learning: With an eye toward future success
In Extreme programming and agile methods: XP/Agile Universe 2003: Third XP Agile Universe Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, August 10-13, 2003 (Vol. 2753, pp. 185–198).
2002 journal article
In support of paired programming in the introductory computer science course
Computer Science Education, 12(3), 197–212.

2002 conference paper
Pair programming in an introductory computer science course: Initial results and recommendations
OOPSLA 2002: 17th ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications : conference proceedings: November 4-8, 2002, Washington State Convention and Trade Center, Seattle, Washington, USA. New York, NY: ACM Press.