Kuang-Ren Chung
Works (9)
2005 review
Photoactivated perylenequinone toxins in fungal pathogenesis of plants
[Review of ]. FEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS, 252(2), 197–206.

2003 journal article
Cercosporin-deficient mutants by plasmid tagging in the asexual fungus Cercospora nicotianae

2003 journal article
Expression of the cercosporin toxin resistance gene (CRG1) as a dicistronic mRNA in the filamentous fungus Cercospora nicotianae
CURRENT GENETICS, 43(6), 415–424.

2002 journal article
Functional expression and cellular localization of cercosporin-resistance proteins fused with the GFP in Cercospora nicotianae
CURRENT GENETICS, 41(3), 159–167.

1999 journal article
A novel gene required for cercosporin toxin resistance in the fungus Cercospora nicotianae
Molecular and General Genetics, 262(2), 382–389.

1999 journal article
Functional characterization of SOR1, a gene required for resistance to photosensitizing toxins in the fungus Cercospora nicotianae
CURRENT GENETICS, 34(6), 478–485.

1998 journal article
Active oxygen in fungal pathogenesis of plants: the role of cercosporin in Cercospora diseases
Recent Advances in Phytochemistry, 32(1998), 31–56.
1998 journal article
SOR1, a gene required for photosensitizer and singlet oxygen resistance in Cercospora fungi, is highly conserved in divergent organisms
MOLECULAR CELL, 1(4), 603–609.

1997 journal article
Vegetative compatibility between and within Epichloe species
MYCOLOGIA, 89(4), 558–565.