Works (9)
2018 journal article
Ultrasound assisted polyacrylamide grafting on nano-fibrillated cellulose
Carbohydrate Polymers, 181, 1071–1077.
2013 journal article
Fractionation of lignocellulosic materials using ionic liquids: part 2. Effect of particle size on the mechanisms of fractionation
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 52(11), 3958–3966.
2013 journal article
Review of Cellulose Non-Derivatizing Solvent Interactions with Emphasis on Activity in Inorganic Molten Salt Hydrates
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 1(8), 858–870.
Contributors: S. Sen*, J. Martin* & D. Argyropoulos*

2013 journal article
Toward thermoplastic lignin polymers; part II: Thermal & polymer characteristics of kraft lignin & derivatives
Toward thermoplastic lignin polymers; part II: Thermal & polymer characteristics of kraft lignin & derivatives. BioResources, 8(1), 864–886.
2012 article
Porphyrin-Cellulose Nanocrystals: A Photobactericidal Material that Exhibits Broad Spectrum Antimicrobial Activity (vol 88, pg 495, 2012)
Contributors: B. Carpenter n, E. Feese n, H. Sadeghifar n, n & R. Ghiladi n

2011 journal article
Molecular weight distributions and linkages in lignocellulosic materials derivatized from ionic liquid media
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59(3), 829–838.
2011 journal article
Protein analysis by P-31 NMR spectroscopy in ionic liquid: Quantitative determination of enzymatically created cross-links
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59(4), 1352–1362.
2011 journal article
Understanding the radical mechanism of lipoxygenases using P-31 NMR spin trapping
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 19(9), 3022–3028.
2010 journal article
Monitoring Cellulase Protein Adsorption and Recovery Using SDS-PAGE
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 49(18), 8333–8338.