Works (5)
2009 journal article
Crossability, cytogenetics, and reproductive pathways in Rudbeckia subgenus Rudbeckia
HortScience, 44(1), 44–48.

1999 journal article
Increasing rhododendron flowering
Nursery Management & Production, 15(11), 31.
1997 journal article
Carryover affects of sumagic treatments on Kalmia latifolia cultivars
Proceedings of Southern Nurserymen's Association Research Conference Annual Report, 42(1997), 330–331.
1996 journal article
Rooting stem cuttings of some eastern native rhododendrons
American Rhododendron Society Journal, 50(2), 65.
1989 journal article
Spray water or let it drip?
American Nurseryman, 169(3), 80.