Works (5)
2002 journal article
Modeling epistasis of quantitative trait loci using Cockerham's model
Genetics, 160(3), 1243–1261.
2000 journal article
Genetic architecture of a morphological shape difference between two Drosophila species
Genetics, 154(1), 299–310.
1999 journal article
Estimating the genetic architecture of quantitative traits
GENETICAL RESEARCH, 74(3), 279–289.

1999 journal article
Multiple interval mapping for quantitative trait loci
Genetics, 152(3), 1203–1216.
1997 journal article
General formulas for obtaining the MLEs and the asymptotic variance-covariance matrix in mapping quantitative trait loci when using the EM algorithm
BIOMETRICS, 53(2), 653–665.