Works (1)

Updated: July 5th, 2023 15:48

2010 journal article

Trans-10, cis-12-conjugated linoleic acid alters hepatic gene expression in a polygenic obese line of mice displaying hepatic lipidosis


By: M. Ashwell n, R. Ceddia n, R. House n, J. Cassady n, E. Eisen n, T. Eling*, J. Collins*, S. Grissom*, J. Odle n

Contributors: M. Ashwell n, R. Ceddia n, R. House n, J. Cassady n, E. Eisen n, T. Eling*, J. Collins*, S. Grissom*, J. Odle n

author keywords: Gene expression; Mice; Liver, Conjugated linoleic acid; Obesity, Hepatic steatosis, Fatty liver
MeSH headings : Animals; Fatty Liver / genetics; Fatty Liver / metabolism; Gene Expression Profiling; Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4 / genetics; Linoleic Acids, Conjugated / pharmacology; Liver / metabolism; Male; Mice; Obesity / genetics; Obesity / metabolism
TL;DR: While surprisingly few genes in lipid metabolism were impacted, pathway analysis found that protein kinase A and cyclic adenosine monophosphate pathways signaling pathways were affected by CLA treatment and 98 of the 775 genes were found to be regulated by hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha, a transcription factor important in controlling liver metabolic status. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries, ORCID
Added: August 6, 2018

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