@article{yang_rogers_berry_foegeding_2011, title={MODELING THE RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF CHEDDAR CHEESE WITH DIFFERENT FAT CONTENTS AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES}, volume={42}, ISSN={["1745-4603"]}, DOI={10.1111/j.1745-4603.2011.00283.x}, abstractNote={ABSTRACTCheddar cheese consists of a gel phase with imbedded fat particles and can be represented as a particle‐filled gel. The storage modulus (G′) of Cheddar cheese containing different fat contents was fitted to 12 theoretical models for particle‐filled gels. Models that included the G′ of fat particles and their interactions best described cheese G′. The estimated G′ of fat particle (Gf′) was larger than that of gel matrix (Gm′) at 10, 15 and 20C, corresponding to a reinforcing effect of fat on cheese G′. However, Gf′ decreased at a faster rate than Gm′ with increasing temperature, resulting in a weakening effect at 25C. Cheese rheological properties were dominated by the solid fat phase at 10 and 15C and showed no significant change with aging. In contrast, cheese G′ at 20 and 25C decreased after aging cheeses for 12 weeks, corresponding to decreases of Gm′ as a result of changes in the protein network.PRACTICAL APPLICATIONSFat is critical to cheese texture. The rheological properties of cheeses depend on the two phases: fat particles and protein gel matrix. However, limited works have been done to quantitatively evaluate the contributions from the two phases. In this article, the rheological properties of Cheddar cheese containing a range of fat content were fitted to 12 mathematical models for particle‐filled gels. The advantages and limitations of these theoretical models were compared. This study extended the application of the mathematical models in Cheddar cheese, showing a quantitative evaluation on the role of fat in cheese rheology. This provides quantitative information for developing fat substitutes to function as fat particles in cheese texture.}, number={5}, journal={JOURNAL OF TEXTURE STUDIES}, author={Yang, Xin and Rogers, Neal Robert and Berry, Tristan Kendricks and Foegeding, Edward Allen}, year={2011}, month={Oct}, pages={331–348} } @article{rogers_mcmahon_daubert_berry_foegeding_2010, title={Rheological properties and microstructure of Cheddar cheese made with different fat contents}, volume={93}, ISSN={["1525-3198"]}, DOI={10.3168/jds.2010-3494}, abstractNote={Reduced- and low-fat cheeses are desired based on composition but often fall short on overall quality. One of the major problems with fat reduction in cheese is the development of a firm texture that does not break down during mastication, unlike that observed in full-fat cheeses. The objective of this investigation was to determine how the amount of fat affects the structure of Cheddar cheese from initial formation (2 wk) through 24 wk of aging. Cheeses were made with target fat contents of 3 to 33% (wt/wt) and moisture to protein ratios of 1.5:1. This allowed for comparisons based on relative amounts of fat and protein gel phases. Cheese microstructure was determined by confocal scanning laser microscopy combined with quantitative image analysis. Rheological analysis was used to determine changes in mechanical properties. Increasing fat content caused an increase in size of fat globules and a higher percentage of nonspherical globules. However, no changes in fat globules were observed with aging. Cheese rigidity (storage modulus) increased with fat content at 10°C, but differences attributable to fat were not apparent at 25°C. This was attributable to the storage modulus of fat approaching that of the protein gel; therefore, the amount of fat or gel phase did not have an effect on the cheese storage modulus. The rigidity of cheese decreased with storage and, because changes in the fat phase were not detected, it appeared to be attributable to changes in the gel network. It appeared that the diminished textural quality in low-fat Cheddar cheese is attributed to changes in the breakdown pattern during chewing, as altered by fat disrupting the cheese network.}, number={10}, journal={JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE}, author={Rogers, N. R. and McMahon, D. J. and Daubert, C. R. and Berry, T. K. and Foegeding, E. A.}, year={2010}, month={Oct}, pages={4565–4576} }