Works (7)
1997 journal article
In vitro regeneration of plantlets from mature embryos of pinus ayacahuite
Tree Physiology, 17(12), 787–796.
1996 journal article
Geographic variation in leaf, cone and seed morphology of Pinus greggii in native forests

1995 journal article
Geographic variation in stem-xylem terpene chemistry in native populations of Pinus greggii Engelm
Forest Genetics, 2(4), 217.
1991 journal article
The distribution, ecology, and gene conservation of Pinus ayacahuite and P. chiapensis in Mexico and Central America
CAMCORE Bulletin on Tropical Forestry, (8), 28.
1990 journal article
The CAMCORE closed-cone pine seed collections in Central America and Mexico
CAMCORE Bulletin on Tropical Forestry, (6), 25.
1986 journal article
Comparative prevalence of Babesia microti and Borrelia burgdorferi in 4 populations of Ixodes dammini in Eastern Massachusetts
Acta Tropica, 43, 263–270.
1985 journal article
Abies guatemalensis: A two year status report
CAMCORE Bulletin on Tropical Forestry, (3), 17.