@article{bishir_roberds_strom_2004, title={On-bark behavior of Dendroctonus frontalis: a Markov chain analysis}, volume={17}, ISSN={["0892-7553"]}, DOI={10.1023/B:JOIR.0000031531.07035.10}, number={3}, journal={JOURNAL OF INSECT BEHAVIOR}, author={Bishir, J and Roberds, JH and Strom, BL}, year={2004}, month={May}, pages={281–301} } @article{selgrade_roberds_2001, title={On the structure of attractors for discrete, periodically forced systems with applications to population models}, volume={158}, ISSN={["0167-2789"]}, DOI={10.1016/s0167-2789(01)00324-4}, abstractNote={This work discusses the effects of periodic forcing on attracting cycles and more complicated attractors for autonomous systems of nonlinear difference equations. Results indicate that an attractor for a periodically forced dynamical system may inherit structure from an attractor of the autonomous (unforced) system and also from the periodicity of the forcing. In particular, a method is presented which shows that if the amplitude of the k-periodic forcing is small enough then the attractor for the forced system is the union of k homeomorphic subsets. Examples from population biology and genetics indicate that each subset is also homeomorphic to the attractor of the original autonomous dynamical system.}, number={1-4}, journal={PHYSICA D}, author={Selgrade, JF and Roberds, JH}, year={2001}, month={Oct}, pages={69–82} } @article{roberds_selgrade_2000, title={Dynamical analysis of density-dependent selection in a discrete one-island migration model}, volume={164}, ISSN={["0025-5564"]}, DOI={10.1016/s0025-5564(00)00002-x}, abstractNote={A system of non-linear difference equations is used to model the effects of density-dependent selection and migration in a population characterized by two alleles at a single gene locus. Results for the existence and stability of polymorphic equilibria are established. Properties for a genetically important class of equilibria associated with complete dominance in fitness are described. The birth of an unusual chaotic attractor is also illustrated. This attractor is produced when migration causes chaotic dynamics on a boundary of phase space to bifurcate into the interior of phase space, resulting in bistable genetic polymorphic behavior.}, number={1}, journal={MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES}, author={Roberds, JH and Selgrade, JF}, year={2000}, month={Mar}, pages={1–15} } @article{koshy_namkoong_roberds_1998, title={Genetic variance in the F-2 generation of divergently selected parents}, volume={97}, ISSN={["0040-5752"]}, DOI={10.1007/s001220050982}, number={5-6}, journal={THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS}, author={Koshy, MP and Namkoong, G and Roberds, JH}, year={1998}, month={Oct}, pages={990–993} } @article{mckeand_eriksson_roberds_1997, title={Genotype by environment interaction for index traits that combine growth and wood density in loblolly pine}, volume={94}, ISSN={["0040-5752"]}, DOI={10.1007/s001220050509}, number={8}, journal={THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS}, author={McKeand, SE and Eriksson, G and Roberds, JH}, year={1997}, month={Jun}, pages={1015–1022} } @article{bishir_roberds_1997, title={Limit theorems and a general framework for risk analysis in clonal forestry}, volume={142}, ISSN={["0025-5564"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0025-5564(96)00184-8}, abstractNote={Use of clonally propagated plantings in reforestation offers management advantages of phenotypic uniformity and high yields. Disadvantages include low genetic diversity and the possibility that the clone or clones chosen are particularly susceptible to attack by an insect or pathogen unforeseen as a problem at the time of clonal selection. In this paper, we continue consideration of the problem of choosing an optimal number of clones to minimize the risk of plantation failure. We present an analysis in which risk of failure for a plantation is represented by the probability that the proportion, S, of ramets that survive until harvest is less than or equal to a prescribed value. Our approach includes most earlier treatments as special cases. We show that the proportion S converges in distribution and, furthermore, that, under general conditions, a moderate number of clones, usually no more than 20 to 40 and often fewer, provides equivalent or better protection against catastrophic loss than does a large number of clones.}, number={1}, journal={MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES}, author={Bishir, J and Roberds, J}, year={1997}, month={May}, pages={1–11} } @article{selgrade_roberds_1997, title={Period-doubling bifurcations for systems of difference equations and applications to models in population biology}, volume={29}, ISSN={["1873-5215"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0362-546X(96)00041-7}, number={2}, journal={NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS}, author={Selgrade, JF and Roberds, JH}, year={1997}, month={Jul}, pages={185–199} } @article{roberds_bishir_1997, title={Risk analyses in clonal forestry}, volume={27}, ISSN={["0045-5067"]}, DOI={10.1139/x96-202}, abstractNote={The number of clones to use in plantations is an important problem that must be addressed by practitioners of clonal forestry because of productivity and forest health considerations. This problem has been analyzed from a number of perspectives, but analyses based upon risk of plantation failure have provided special insight about effects produced by an increase in numbers of clones. In this paper, we describe alternative models and methods that have been proposed to investigate the effect of number of clones on risk of plantation failure following an unforeseen catastrophic event. Properties of these models are reviewed and conclusions resulting from the analysis of each model are given. Results from these analyses and recently developed theory indicate that use of 30 to 40 unrelated clones in plantations provides protection against catastrophic failure roughly equivalent to the use of large numbers of unrelated clones. A detailed description of the recently introduced time-to-failure model is also presented, and several examples that illustrate properties of this model are discussed. Finally, some implications regarding the development of breeding populations are identified and explored. Resume : La problOmatique du nombre de clones utilisOs dans les plantations clonales doit Œtre abordOe par les praticiens de la foresterie clonale en raison des implications quielle peut avoir pour la productivitO et la santO des forŒts. Ce problme a OtO OtudiO sous de nombreux angles, mais il siest avOrO que liapproche basOe sur le risque diOchec de plantation a permis de rOvOler les effets rOsultant diune augmentation du nombre de clones utilisOs. Les auteurs de liOtude font la description des mOthodes et modles alternatifs qui ont OtO proposOs pour Otudier lieffet du nombre de clones sur le risque diOchec de plantation suite ‡ un OvOnement catastrophique imprOvisible. Les auteurs prOsentent la revue des caractOristiques ainsi que les conclusions dOcoulant de lianalyse de chacun de ces modles. Les rOsultats de cette analyse ainsi que les considOrations thOoriques dOveloppOes rOcemment indiquent que liutilisation de 30 ‡ 40 clones non apparentOs par plantation procure une protection contre des Ochecs catastrophiques qui est ‡ peu prs Oquivalente ‡ celle qui dOcoule de liutilisation diun grand nombre de clones non apparentOs. Une description dOtaillOe du modle rOcent de «dOlai diOchec» est prOsentOe. Quelques exemples illustrant les caractOristiques de ce modle sont Ogalement discutOs. Enfin, certaines implications relatives au dOveloppement des populations diOlevage sont identifiOes et discutOes. (Traduit par la ROdaction)}, number={3}, journal={CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH-REVUE CANADIENNE DE RECHERCHE FORESTIERE}, author={Roberds, JH and Bishir, JW}, year={1997}, month={Mar}, pages={425–432} } @article{roberds_friedman_elkassaby_1991, title={EFFECTIVE NUMBER OF POLLEN PARENTS IN CLONAL SEED ORCHARDS}, volume={82}, ISSN={["0040-5752"]}, DOI={10.1007/BF02190617}, abstractNote={A method for quantifying mating behavior in clonal seed orchards of forest tree species is presented. It involves the estimation of effective numbers of pollen parents from seed samples collected from individual ramets in such orchards. These effective numbers are variance effective numbers for populations of male gametes that are successful in uniting with ovules to produce viable seed. Three such effective numbers are defined for clonal seed orchards:N p (a) for male gamete populations for ramets within clones,N p (b) for male gamete populations for clones, andN p (c) for male gamete populations for entire orchards. Estimators for these effective numbers and for standardized variances of allele frequencies in the male gametic populations are presented. Expressions are also given for the confidence intervals for each of the three effective numbers. Estimates of these parameters and the corresponding confidence intervals for two seed orchards are presented and interpreted.}, number={3}, journal={THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS}, author={ROBERDS, JH and FRIEDMAN, ST and ELKASSABY, YA}, year={1991}, pages={313–320} } @article{roberds_namkoong_skroppa_1990, title={Genetic analysis of risk in clonal populations of forest trees}, volume={79}, number={6}, journal={Theoretical and Applied Genetics}, author={Roberds, J. H. and Namkoong, G. and Skroppa, T.}, year={1990}, pages={841} } @article{roberds_hyun_namkoong_rink_1990, title={Height response functions for white ash provenances grown at different latitudes}, volume={39}, number={3-4}, journal={Silvae Genetica}, author={Roberds, J. H. and Hyun, J. O. and Namkoong, G. and Rink, G.}, year={1990}, pages={121} }