@article{chu_lin_2000, title={Effects of orography on the generation and propagation of mesoscale convective systems in a two-dimensional conditionally unstable flow}, volume={57}, ISSN={["0022-4928"]}, DOI={10.1175/1520-0469(2001)057<3817:EOOOTG>2.0.CO;2}, abstractNote={Abstract Effects of orography, cold-air outflow, and gravity waves on the generation and propagation of convective systems in a conditionally unstable airstream over a mesoscale mountain are studied using a two-dimensional cloud model. Based on the propagation of convective systems, three regimes are identified: (I) an upstream propagating convective system, (II) a quasi-stationary convective system, and (III) quasi-stationary and downstream propagating systems. In regime I [low moist Froude number (Fw)], the convective cells are generated by upstream deceleration associated with orographic forcing, by gravity waves associated with convective cells over the upslope area at earlier stages, and by the upstream propagating density current at later stages when the density current is fully developed. In this flow regime, quasi-continuous and heavy rainfall is produced over the upslope and plain areas as individual convective cells develop farther upstream at the head of the density current and then propagate d...}, number={23}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES}, author={Chu, CM and Lin, YL}, year={2000}, month={Dec}, pages={3817–3837} }