Works (3)
2006 chapter
Performance evaluation of bituminous surface treatment using third-scale Model Mobile Loading Simulator
In Managing and maintaining highway structures and pavements (pp. 59–70).
1999 journal article
Saving lives and money with robotic trenching and pipe installation
Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 12(2), 43–49.
1998 conference paper
Teleoperated pipe manipulation
In R. H. B. L. A. Demsetz & J. P. Wetzel (Eds.), Robotics 98: Proceedings of the Third ASCE Specialty Conference on Robotics for Challenging Environments, April 26-30, 1998, Albuquerque, New Mexico (pp. 188–194). Reston, Va.: American Society of Civil Engineers.
Ed(s): R. L. A. Demsetz & J. Wetzel