Works (21)
2016 journal article
Extremophile Poeciliidae: multivariate insights into the complexity of speciation along replicated ecological gradients

2013 journal article
Colonisation of toxic environments drives predictable life-history evolution in livebearing fishes (Poeciliidae)
ECOLOGY LETTERS, 17(1), 65–71.

2013 journal article
EVOLUTION, 68(2), 397–411.

2013 journal article
Genetic differentiation and selection against migrants in evolutionarily replicated extreme environments
Evolution, 67(9), 2647–2661.
2013 journal article
Speciation by selection: A framework for understanding ecology's role in speciation
CURRENT ZOOLOGY, 59(1), 31–52.

2013 journal article
Translocation of cave fish (Poecilia mexicana) within and between natural habitats along a toxicity gradient
Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 22(2), 228–233.
2012 journal article
Behavioural and life-history regulation in a unisexual/bisexual mating system: does male mate choice affect female reproductive life histories?
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 106(3), 598–606.
2012 review
Cultural traditions and the evolution of reproductive isolation: ecological speciation in killer whales?
[Review of ]. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 106(1), 1–17.
2012 journal article
Multiple paternity in different populations of the sailfin molly, Poecilia latipinna
Animal Biology, 62(3), 245–262.
2012 journal article
Predation's Role in Life-History Evolution of a Livebearing Fish and a Test of the Trexler-DeAngelis Model of Maternal Provisioning

2012 journal article
The delayed impact of parental age on offspring mortality in mice
Journals of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sciences Medical Sciences, 67(4), 351–357.
2012 journal article
The offspring size/fecundity trade-off and female fitness in the Atlantic molly (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae)
Environmental Biology of Fishes, 94(2), 457–463.
2012 journal article
Twelve new microsatellite loci for the sulphur molly (Poecilia sulphuraria) and the related Atlantic molly (P-mexicana)
Conservation Genetics Resources, 4(4), 935–937.
2011 journal article
Effects of male sexual harassment on female time budgets, feeding behavior, and metabolic rates in a tropical livebearing fish (Poecilia mexicana)
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65(8), 1513–1523.
2011 journal article
Giant water bug (Belostoma sp.) predation on a cave fish (Poecilia mexicana): effects of female body size and gestational state
Evolutionary Ecology Research, 13(2), 133–144.
2011 journal article
Mustached males in a tropical poeciliid fish: Emerging female preference selects for a novel male trait
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65(7), 1437–1445.
2011 journal article
Predator-induced changes of female mating preferences: innate and experiential effects
BMC Evolutionary Biology, 11.
2011 journal article
Shared and Unique Patterns of Embryo Development in Extremophile Poeciliids
PLOS ONE, 6(11).

2011 journal article
Speciation in caves: Experimental evidence that permanent darkness promotes reproductive isolation
Biology Letters, 7(6), 909–912.
2011 journal article
Toxic hydrogen sulphide and dark caves: Pronounced male life-history divergence among locally adapted Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae)
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 24(3), 596–606.
2011 journal article
Whistle communication in mammal-eating killer whales (Orcinus orca): further evidence for acoustic divergence between ecotypes
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65(7), 1377–1387.