Works (1)

Updated: April 11th, 2023 10:13

2000 journal article

Use of statistical modeling to assess risk for early poult mortality in commercial turkey flocks

Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 9(3), 303–318.

By: D. Carver n, J. Fetrow*, T. Gerig n, M. Correa n, K. Krueger* & H. Barnes n

topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Livestock and Poultry Management; Genetic and phenotypic traits in livestock
TL;DR: Season of placement, breeder flock age, strain, hatchery, and company had significant effects on risk of poult mortality in the first 14 days after placement, although toms experienced greater mortality. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
3. Good Health and Well-being (OpenAlex)
Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

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