@article{wang_baldwin_luo_zhao_brecht_bai_2019, title={Key tomato volatile compounds during postharvest ripening in response to chilling and pre-chilling heat treatments}, volume={154}, ISSN={["1873-2356"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.postharvbio.2019.04.013}, abstractNote={Mature green ‘FL 47′ tomatoes were exposed to heat (52 °C water for 5 min) and/or cold (5 °C for 4 d) before sampling at following ripening stages. Results showed that although did not cause visual injury, chilling substantially suppressed ripening process, ethylene production and respiration rate at early stages, while a slight impact was observed by heating. Most volatiles were detected at low levels before breaker stage with a burst at red stage in all treatments. Chilling and heating induced production of “green” note volatiles, especially hexenal early in fruit development. At the red stage, 11 out of 12 important aromatic volatiles exhibited significant reduction in chilled fruit compared to control, while most volatiles in heated fruit were recovered during ripening. On the other hand, a pre-chilling heat treatment alleviated the chilling-caused reduction of ethylene during ripening, which was associated with higher levels of 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, 2-phenylacetaldehyde, and 2-phenylethanol in red fruit.}, journal={POSTHARVEST BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY}, author={Wang, L. and Baldwin, E. and Luo, W. and Zhao, W. and Brecht, J. and Bai, J.}, year={2019}, month={Aug}, pages={11–20} } @article{luo_sands_youssef_strock_song_canelon_2010, title={Modeling the impact of alternative drainage practices in the northern Corn-belt with DRAINMOD-NII}, volume={97}, ISSN={["1873-2283"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.agwat.2009.10.009}, abstractNote={The hydrologic and water quality impacts of subsurface drainage design and management practices are being investigated through field and simulation studies throughout the northern Corn-belt. Six years of data from an ongoing field study in south central Minnesota (Sands et al., 2008) were used to support a modeling effort with DRAINMOD-NII to investigate: (1) the performance of the model in a region where soils are subject to seasonal freeze–thaw and (2) the long-term hydrologic and water quality characteristics of conventional and alternative subsurface drainage practices. Post-calibration model prediction and efficiency were deemed satisfactory using standard model performance criteria. Prediction errors were primarily associated with early spring snowmelt hydrology and were attributed to the methods used for simulating snow accumulation and melting processes, in addition to potential sublimation effects on ET estimates. Long-term simulations with DRAINMOD-NII indicated that drainage design and/or management practices proposed as alternatives to conventional design may offer opportunities to reduce nitrate (NO3)-nitrogen losses without significantly decreasing (and in some cases, increasing) crop yields for a Webster silty clay loam soil at Waseca, Minnesota. The simulation study indicated that both shallow drainage and controlled drainage may reduce annual drainage discharge and NO3-nitrogen losses by 20–30%, while impacting crop yields from −3% (yield decrease) to 2%, depending on lateral drain spacing. The practice of increasing drainage intensity (decreasing drain spacing) beyond recommended values appears to not significantly affect crop yield but may substantially increase drainage discharge and nitrate-nitrogen losses to surface waters.}, number={3}, journal={AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT}, author={Luo, W. and Sands, G. R. and Youssef, M. and Strock, J. S. and Song, I. and Canelon, D.}, year={2010}, month={Mar}, pages={389–398} } @article{ha_evans_luo_skaggs_2004, title={Modification and use of DRAINMOD to evaluate a lagoon effluent land application system}, volume={47}, DOI={10.13031/2013.15869}, abstractNote={Traditionally, lagoon design has considered waste inflow, sludge accumulation, individual event rainfall associated with the 25-year, 24-hour storm, and sufficient temporary storage to handle excess rainfall during non-irrigation periods. Excess rainfall was defined as the “average” or “normal” rainfall in excess of evaporation during the non-irrigation (drawdown) period. North Carolina experienced a series of tropical storms and hurricanes in 1995 that resulted in several lagoon overtoppings; however, none of the storms individually satisfied the 25-year, 24-hour criterion. These storms raised questions as to whether the 25-year, 24-hour criterion presented the appropriate design constraint to prevent lagoon overtopping or whether the cumulative impact of prolonged rainy periods (referred to herein as “chronic” rainfall) was a greater threat. To evaluate the validity of existing lagoon design criteria and emergency action measures proposed by the North Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Commission, the irrigation component of the field hydrology model DRAINMOD was modified to consider animal waste lagoon constraints of chronic rainfall, crop nitrogen utilization, and emergency lagoon operational measures. The modified DRAINMOD was used to evaluate lagoon design and operational guidelines in effect in eastern North Carolina at the time of the 1995 lagoon breaches and the proposed 1999 emergency measures. Model simulation results showed that prolonged wet periods in the winter that result in high moisture surplus are the most likely cause of excessively high lagoon stage or overflow. To minimize the occurrence of elevated lagoon stage and eliminate the risk of overflow, model results also showed that the design temporary storage criterion should be increased to account for chronic rainfall excess between drawdown periods. Intense storms with short durations, such as the catastrophic design (25-year, 24-hour) storm, mainly occurred in the summer and usually posed no risks to lagoon overflow because these events typically occurred at a time when lagoons were traditionally drawn down to their lowest allowable stage. Using a constant average nitrogen concentration for lagoon wastewater resulted in fewer irrigation applications, which in turn resulted in more frequent high lagoon stage and more overflows. Lagoon spills resulting from extreme weather conditions could be avoided by applying wastewater more frequently and temporarily suspending the crop nitrogen limit in wet years without exceeding soil hydraulic limits.}, number={1}, journal={Transactions of the ASAE}, author={Ha, Z. and Evans, R. O. and Luo, W. and Skaggs, R. W.}, year={2004}, pages={47–58} } @article{luo_skaggs_madani_cizikci_mavi_2001, title={Predicting field hydrology in cold conditions with DRAINMOD}, volume={44}, DOI={10.13031/2013.6247}, abstractNote={The field hydrology model DRAINMOD was modified for cold conditions, where soil freezing, thawing, and snow accumulation affect the hydrologic cycle. Field observations of water table depth and subsurface drainage from Carsamba, Turkey; Truro, Nova Scotia; and Lamberton, Minnesota, were used to test the modified DRAINMOD. At Carsamba, Turkey, the modified DRAINMOD correctly predicted the timing and magnitude of drainage events resulting from snow accumulation and subsequent snow melt. Although the variable weather pattern and nature of rain/snow mixture at the Nova Scotia site made it difficult to describe hydrology during winter months, the modified DRAINMOD predicted the timing and magnitude of most drainage flow events more accurately. Continuous long–term model simulations at Lamberton, Minnesota, were generally in good agreement with drainage measurements. The temperature–based approach used in the model caused some unusual rainfall events to be missed during winter. Errors from snow event predictions contributed to errors in hydrologic predictions. Overall, the modified DRAINMOD gave reasonable predictions of field hydrology. The simplified snow algorithm provided a timely prediction of snow accumulation and melting.}, number={4}, journal={Transactions of the ASAE}, author={Luo, W. and Skaggs, R. W. and Madani, A. and Cizikci, S. and Mavi, A.}, year={2001}, pages={825–834} } @article{luo_skaggs_chescheir_2001, title={DRAINMOD modifications for cold conditions}, volume={43}, ISBN={0001-2351}, DOI={10.13031/2013.3057}, abstractNote={The field hydrology model DRAINMOD was modified to include freezing and thawing, and snowmelt components. Based on daily hydrologic predictions of the original model, the modified DRAINMOD numerically solves the heat flow equation to predict soil temperature. When freezing conditions are indicated by below zero temperatures, the model calculates ice content in the soil profile and modifies soil hydraulic conductivity and infiltration rate accordingly. Recorded precipitation is separated as rain and snow when daily average air temperature is above or below a rain/snow dividing base temperature. Snow is predicted to accumulate on the ground until air temperature rises above a snowmelt base temperature. Soil surface temperature is recalculated when snow cover exists. Daily snowmelt water is added to rainfall, which may infiltrate or run off depending on soil freezing condition. The modified DRAINMOD predictions of soil temperature agreed well with field observations at Plymouth, North Carolina, Truro, Nova Scotia, and Lamberton, Minnesota. Assuming air temperature as the soil surface boundary condition increased the variability of soil temperature predictions at shallow depths, agreement with field measurements was still good. The method of using average air temperature as an indicator to separate snow and rain worked very well for Carsamba, Turkey. At Truro, Nova Scotia, however, the method was not as successful, and several snow events were predicted as rainfall and vice versa. Compared with the original version of DRAINMOD, the modified version predicts fewer drainage flow events in winter months because of snow accumulation on the surface. Subsurface drainage and/or surface runoff resulting from snowmelt are predicted when air temperature rises, the snow melts, and the soil begins to thaw.}, number={6}, journal={Transactions of the ASAE}, author={Luo, W. and Skaggs, R. W. and Chescheir, G. M.}, year={2001}, pages={1569–1582} }