Works (6)
2018 journal article
James Wilson’s Science of Politics and the Moral Psychology of American Constitutionalism
American Political Thought, 7(4), 588–613.

2017 review
Conventional wisdom: The alternate article V mechanism for proposing amendments to the US Constitution
[Review of ]. Political Science Quarterly, 132(2), 364–366.
2016 journal article
The dead hand of the past? Toward an understanding of "Constitutional Veneration"
Political Behavior, 38(3), 535–560.
2015 journal article
The publicola debate and the role of the French Revolution in American constitutional thought
American Political Thought, 4(4), 557–587.
2014 journal article
James Wilson versus the Bill of Rights: Progress, popular sovereignty, and the idea of the US Constitution
Political Research Quarterly, 67(2), 253–265.
2011 journal article
Reconsidering the role of self-respect in rawls's a theory of justice
Journal of Politics, 73(2), 331–344.