@article{gieger_rassnick_siegel_proulx_bergman_anderson_ladue_smith_northrup_roberts_2008, title={Palliation of clinical signs in 48 dogs with nasal carcinomas treated with coarse-fraction radiation therapy}, volume={44}, ISSN={["1547-3317"]}, DOI={10.5326/0440116}, abstractNote={Data from 48 dogs with nasal carcinomas treated with palliative radiation therapy (PRT) were retrospectively reviewed. Factors potentially influencing resolution of clinical signs and survival after PRT were evaluated. Clinical signs completely resolved in 66% of dogs for a median of 120 days. The overall median survival time was 146 days. Duration of response to PRT was shorter in dogs that had clinical signs for <90 days before PRT. Survival times were shorter in dogs that had partial or no resolution of clinical signs after PRT than in dogs that had complete resolution of clinical signs.}, number={3}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ANIMAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION}, author={Gieger, Tracy and Rassnick, Kenneth and Siegel, Sheri and Proulx, David and Bergman, Philip and Anderson, Christine and LaDue, Tracy and Smith, Annette and Northrup, Nicole and Roberts, Royce}, year={2008}, pages={116–123} } @article{anderson_tatchell_2001, title={Hyperactive glycogen synthase mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae suppress the glc7-1 protein phosphatase mutant}, volume={183}, ISSN={["1098-5530"]}, DOI={10.1128/JB.183.3.821-829.2001}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT}, number={3}, journal={JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY}, author={Anderson, C and Tatchell, K}, year={2001}, month={Feb}, pages={821–829} }