Works (8)
2015 journal article
Biofiltration of Ammonia and GHGs from Swine Gestation Barn Pit Exhaust
Transactions of the ASABE, 58(3), 771–782.
Contributors: M. Hood, S. Shah , P. Kolar, L. Wang Li & L. Stikeleather
2015 journal article
Insights to the formation of secondary inorganic PM2.5: Current knowledge and future needs
International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 8(2), 1–13.
2013 conference paper
Techniques for characterization of particulate matter emitted from animal feeding operations
Evaluating veterinary pharmaceutical behavior in the environment, 1126, 15–39.
2013 journal article
The national air emissions monitoring study's southeast layer site: Part I. Site characteristics and monitoring methodology
Transactions of the ASABE, 56(3), 1157–1171.
2013 journal article
The national air emissions monitoring study's southeast layer site: Part II. Particulate matter
Transactions of the ASABE, 56(3), 1173–1184.
2013 journal article
The national air emissions monitoring study's southeast layer site: Part III. Ammonia concentrations and emissions
Transactions of the ASABE, 56(3), 1185–1197.
2013 journal article
The national air emissions monitoring study's southeast layer site: Part IV. Effects of farm management
Transactions of the ASABE, 56(3), 1199–1209.
2011 journal article
Ammonia emissions from broiler cake stockpiled in a naturally ventilated shed
Transactions of the ASABE, 54(5), 1893–1904.