@article{meuten_hickey_franklin_grossi_tobias_newman_jennings_correa_sannes_2012, title={WNT7B in fibroblastic foci of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis}, volume={13}, ISSN={1465-9921}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1465-9921-13-62}, DOI={10.1186/1465-9921-13-62}, abstractNote={Abstract Background Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a devastating interstitial pneumonia causing a loss of respiratory surface area due to a proliferative fibrotic response involving hyperplastic, hypertrophic, and metaplastic epithelium, cystic honeycomb change, septal expansion, and variable inflammation. Wnt (wingless) signaling glycoproteins are known to be involved in lung development and tissue repair, and are up-regulated in patients with IPF. Based on previous qRT-PCR data showing increased Wnt7B in lungs of IPF patients, a systematic, quantitative examination of its tissue site distribution was undertaken. Methods Tissue samples from the Lung Tissue Research Consortium (LTRC) of 39 patients diagnosed with mild to severe IPF/usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) and 19 normal patients were examined for the immunolocalization of Wnt7B. Results In normal lung, moderate Wnt7B reactivity was confined to airway epithelium, smooth muscle of airways and vasculature, and macrophages. IPF lung showed strong Wnt7B reactivity in fibroblastic foci, dysplastic airway and alveolar epithelium, and in highly discrete subepithelial, basement membrane-associated regions. All reactive sites were sized and counted relative to specific microscopic regions. Those in the subepithelial sites were found in significantly greater numbers and larger relative area compared with the others. No reactive sites were present in normal patient controls. Conclusions The results demonstrate Wnt7B to be expressed at high concentrations in regions of active hyperplasia, metaplasia, and fibrotic change in IPF patients. In this context and its previously established biologic activities, Wnt7B would be expected to be of potential importance in the pathogenesis of IPF. }, number={1}, journal={Respiratory Research}, publisher={Springer Nature}, author={Meuten, Travis and Hickey, Ariel and Franklin, Katherine and Grossi, Brian and Tobias, Jeremy and Newman, Donna R and Jennings, Samuel H and Correa, Maria and Sannes, Philip L}, year={2012}, pages={62} } @article{hardie_lascelles_meuten_davidson_papich_hansen_2011, title={Evaluation of intermittent infusion of bupivacaine into surgical wounds of dogs postoperatively}, volume={190}, ISSN={["1090-0233"]}, url={https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tvjl.2010.11.008}, DOI={10.1016/j.tvjl.2010.11.008}, abstractNote={Thirty-one dogs were randomised to receive intermittent wound infusion of bupivacaine or saline after surgery. Wound pressure sensitivity, pain scores, body temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, analgesic drugs administered, time to walking and time to eating after surgery were recorded. Plasma bupivacaine concentrations were measured. The relative frequency distributions of the non-interventional and interventional pain scores, but not the relative frequency distributions of palpation pain scores or wound pressure sensitivity, were significantly different between groups following surgery. There was a significant difference between groups in the time to eating and in the amount and timing of analgesic drugs administered. Measured plasma bupivacaine concentrations demonstrated systemic absorption of the drug. Bupivacaine infusion into surgical wounds after surgery may improve post-operative recovery, but no effect on wound tenderness was demonstrated in this study.}, number={2}, journal={VETERINARY JOURNAL}, author={Hardie, Elizabeth M. and Lascelles, B. Duncan X. and Meuten, Travis and Davidson, Gigi S. and Papich, Mark G. and Hansen, Bernie D.}, year={2011}, month={Nov}, pages={287–289} }