@article{finer_jenkins_sky_pine_2014, title={Logging concessions enable illegal logging crisis in the Peruvian Amazon}, volume={4}, journal={Scientific Reports}, author={Finer, M. and Jenkins, C. N. and Sky, M. A. B. and Pine, J.}, year={2014} } @article{sloan_jenkins_joppa_gaveau_laurance_2014, title={Remaining natural vegetation in the global biodiversity hotspots}, volume={177}, journal={Biological Conservation}, author={Sloan, S. and Jenkins, C. N. and Joppa, L. N. and Gaveau, D. L. A. and Laurance, W. F.}, year={2014}, pages={12–24} } @article{diamond_cayton_wepprich_jenkins_dunn_haddad_ries_2014, title={Unexpected phenological responses of butterflies to the interaction of urbanization and geographic temperature}, volume={95}, ISSN={["1939-9170"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84907211442&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1890/13-1848.1}, abstractNote={Urbanization and global climate change can profoundly alter biological systems, yet scientists often analyze their effects separately. We test how the timing of life cycle events (phenology) is jointly influenced by these two components of global change. To do so, we use a long‐term phenological data set of 20 common butterfly species from 83 sites across the state of Ohio, USA, with sites that range from rural undeveloped areas to moderately sized cities. These sites span a latitudinal gradient in mean temperature of several °C, mimicking the range of projected global climate warming effects through the end of the century. Although shifts toward earlier phenology are typical of species' responses to either global climate change or urbanization, we found that their interaction delayed several Ohio butterfly species' first appearance and peak abundance phenology. Exploitative species exhibited smaller delays in first appearance and peak abundance phenology in areas that were urbanized and geographically warm. Our results show that phenological responses to urbanization are contingent upon geographic variation in temperature, and that the impacts of urbanization and global climate change should be considered simultaneously when developing forecasts of biological responses to environmental change.}, number={9}, journal={ECOLOGY}, author={Diamond, Sarah E. and Cayton, Heather and Wepprich, Tyson and Jenkins, Clinton N. and Dunn, Robert R. and Haddad, Nick M. and Ries, Leslie}, year={2014}, month={Sep}, pages={2613–2621} } @article{joppa_visconti_jenkins_pimm_2013, title={Achieving the convention on biological diversity's goals for plant conservation}, volume={341}, number={6150}, journal={Science}, author={Joppa, L. N. and Visconti, P. and Jenkins, C. N. and Pimm, S. L.}, year={2013}, pages={1100–1103} } @article{jenkins_guenard_diamond_weiser_dunn_2013, title={Conservation implications of divergent global patterns of ant and vertebrate diversity}, volume={19}, ISSN={["1472-4642"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84880136840&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1111/ddi.12090}, abstractNote={AbstractAimGlobal conservation planning is often oriented around vertebrates and plants, yet most organisms are invertebrates. To explore the potential conservation implications of this bias, we assessed how well patterns of diversity for an influential group of invertebrates, the ants, correspond with those of three vertebrate groups (birds, mammals and amphibians).LocationGlobal.MethodsWe compiled data on the number of genera of ants and the three vertebrate groups for 370 political regions across the world. We then compared their correlations both for overall diversity and between subsets of genera likely to be of conservation concern. We also developed generalized additive models (GAM) to identify regions where vertebrates and ants diverged in their diversity patterns.ResultsWhile ant and vertebrate diversity do positively correlate, the correlations are substantially weaker for the ant lineages of the greatest conservation concern. Vertebrates also notably fail to predict ant diversity in specific geographic areas, including Australia and Southeast Asia, parts of Africa and Madagascar, and south‐western China. These failures may be genuine differences in diversity patterns, or they may indicate important gaps in our knowledge of ant and vertebrate diversity.Main conclusionsWe conclude that it is currently unwise to assume that global conservation priorities based on vertebrates will conserve ants as well. We suspect that this also applies to other invertebrates.}, number={8}, journal={DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS}, author={Jenkins, Clinton N. and Guenard, Benoit and Diamond, Sarah E. and Weiser, Michael D. and Dunn, Robert R.}, year={2013}, month={Aug}, pages={1084–1092} } @article{jenkins_pimm_joppa_2013, title={Global patterns of terrestrial vertebrate diversity and conservation}, volume={110}, number={28}, journal={Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America}, author={Jenkins, C. N. and Pimm, S. L. and Joppa, L. N.}, year={2013}, pages={E2602–2610} } @article{finer_jenkins_powers_2013, title={Potential of best practice to reduce impacts from oil and gas projects in the Amazon}, volume={8}, number={5}, journal={PLoS One}, author={Finer, M. and Jenkins, C. N. and Powers, B.}, year={2013} } @misc{vale_jenkins_2012, title={Across-taxa incongruence in patterns of collecting bias}, volume={39}, number={9}, journal={Journal of Biogeography}, author={Vale, M. M. and Jenkins, C. N.}, year={2012}, pages={1744–1748} } @article{ogrzewalska_uezu_jenkins_labruna_2012, title={Effect of forest fragmentation on tick infestations of birds and tick infection rates by Rickettsia in the Atlantic forest of Brazil}, volume={8}, number={3}, journal={Ecohealth}, author={Ogrzewalska, M. and Uezu, A. and Jenkins, C. N. and Labruna, M. B.}, year={2012}, pages={320–331} } @article{finer_jenkins_2012, title={Proliferation of hydroelectric dams in the Andean Amazon and implications for Andes-Amazon connectivity}, volume={7}, number={4}, journal={PLoS One}, author={Finer, M. and Jenkins, C. N.}, year={2012} } @article{ogrzewalska_uezu_jenkins_labruna_2011, title={Effect of forest fragmentation on tick infestations of birds and tick infection rates by Rickettsia in the Atlantic forest of Brazil}, volume={8}, number={3}, journal={Ecohealth}, author={Ogrzewalska, M. and Uezu, A. and Jenkins, C. N. and Labruna, M. B.}, year={2011}, pages={320–331} } @article{jenkins_pimm_alves_2011, title={How conservation GIS leads to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil}, volume={9}, number={2}, journal={Natureza & Conservacao}, author={Jenkins, C. N. and Pimm, S. L. and Alves, M. A. D.}, year={2011}, pages={152–159} }