@article{zhou_carter_cui_miyazaki_burton_2002, title={Genetic diversity patterns in Japanese soybean cultivars based on coefficient of parentage}, volume={42}, ISSN={["1435-0653"]}, DOI={10.2135/cropsci2002.1331}, abstractNote={Japan is a historical center of genetic diversity for soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], but diversity of modern Japanese cultivars is not well characterized. The objectives of this study were to quantify genetic diversity of Japanese cultivars via coefficient of parentage (CP), determine the relative importance of breeding factors in explaining that diversity, and incorporate results into a practical guide for management of diversity. All 86 public Japanese cultivars released and registered during 1950 to 1988 were subjected to CP and multivariate analysis. The mean CP for the 86 cultivars was low (0.04), indicating a potentially high degree of diversity in Japanese breeding. Eighty percent of all pairs of cultivars were completely unrelated by pedigree. The low mean CP for the cultivars was attributed to a continual incorporation of unique Japanese land races into the genetic base over time, to the introduction of foreign germplasm from China and the United States and Canada (US-CAN) as breeding stock, and to limited exchange of germplasm among Japanese breeding programs. Cluster analysis was an effective discriminator of diversity. Six clusters were identified which had a mean CP value equivalent to that of half-sibs or greater. These clusters encompassed a total of 54 cultivars, explained 57% of the variation in the CP relations, and had few ancestors in common. Each cluster was derived primarily from only a few programs. Backcrossing and full-sib matings were absent in Japanese pedigrees and, thus, clusters were formed primarily from parent-offspring, full-sib, and half-sib relations. Cultivar attributes such as growing region, release era, maturity designation, and developing institution did not elucidate strong patterns of pedigree diversity. In practical breeding, one may maximize the chances of finding good specific Japanese × Japanese or Japanese × US-CAN crosses by choosing Japanese cultivars from a wide array of Japanese clusters rather than sampling extensively within a cluster.}, number={4}, journal={CROP SCIENCE}, author={Zhou, XG and Carter, TE and Cui, ZL and Miyazaki, S and Burton, JW}, year={2002}, pages={1331–1342} } @article{pattee_isleib_giesbrecht_cui_2002, title={Prediction of parental genetic compatibility to enhance flavor attributes of peanuts}, volume={829}, DOI={10.1021/bk-2002-0829.ch017}, abstractNote={As future advances in transformation technology allow insertion of useful genes into a broader array of target genotypes, the choice of targets will become more important. Targets should be genotypes that will pass to their progeny other useful characteristics, such as sensory quality characteristics, while improving agronomic performance or pest resistance. This is particularly important if flavor quality is to be maintained or improved as the transgene is moved into breeding populations via sexual transfer. Selection of genotypes with superior breeding values through the use of Best Linear Unbiased Prediction procedures (BLUPs) is discussed and using a database of sensory attributes on 250 peanut cultivars and breeding lines, the application of BLUP procedures to the selection of parents for improvement of roasted peanut and sweet attributes in breeding of peanut cultivars is illustrated.}, journal={Crop biotechnology (ACS symposium series ; 829)}, publisher={Washington, DC: American Chemical Society}, author={Pattee, H. E. and Isleib, T. G. and Giesbrecht, F. G. and Cui, Z.}, editor={K. Rajasekaran, T. J. Jacks and Finley, J. W.Editors}, year={2002}, pages={217–230} } @article{cui_carter_burton_wells_2001, title={Phenotypic diversity of modern Chinese and North American soybean cultivars}, volume={41}, ISSN={["0011-183X"]}, DOI={10.2135/cropsci2001.1954}, abstractNote={Chinese and North American (NA) soybean breeding programs have a 70‐yr history of genetic progress in relative isolation from each other. Because both programs rest upon a genetic base that is primarily Chinese in origin, the actual genetic distinctness of Chinese and NA breeding is not clear. The objectives of this study were to (i) develop a phenotypic similarity (PS) index for a large group of Chinese and NA cultivars, on the basis of biochemical, morphological, and agronomic traits, (ii) compare Chinese and NA cultivars for PS through cluster analysis, and (iii) use results to develop guidelines for management of the contrasting Chinese and NA breeding programs as reservoirs of diversity. Chinese (47) and NA (25) cultivars were evaluated for 25 traits in growth chambers. Traits pleiotropic to maturity were avoided. Significant (P < 0.05) differences between Chinese and NA cultivars were noted for leaf and seed traits. Multivariate analysis captured 79% of the total genotypic variation among the 72 cultivars and was used to develop PS estimates. Cluster analysis of PS showed a much greater phenotypic diversity among Chinese than among NA cultivars and a striking distinctness between the two groups. The contrasting nature of Chinese and NA cultivars in this study is theorized to reflect that (i) the NA cultivars may trace to a subset of the Chinese cultivar genetic base, and/or (ii) Chinese and NA cultivars may have diverged phenotypically via breeder selection pressure. Cluster results here, based on PS, agreed roughly with previous cluster analyses, which were derived from pedigree analysis. The physical distinctness of NA and Chinese cultivars shows that introgression of Chinese cultivars into NA breeding should broaden NA germplasm's agronomic, morphological, and biochemical diversity. Introgression may be accomplished most effectively by avoiding matings of Chinese and NA cultivars from the same phenotypic cluster.}, number={6}, journal={CROP SCIENCE}, author={Cui, ZL and Carter, TE and Burton, JW and Wells, R}, year={2001}, pages={1954–1967} } @article{cui_carter_burton_2000, title={Genetic base of 651 Chinese soybean cultivars released during 1923 to 1995}, volume={40}, ISSN={["1435-0653"]}, DOI={10.2135/cropsci2000.4051470x}, abstractNote={A diverse genetic base is important to breeding progress. The genetic base of U.S. and Canadian (US‐CAN) soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] cultivars is narrow. Modern Chinese soybean cultivars have been cited as a reservoir of genetic diversity for U.S. breeding. However, the genetic base of Chinese soybean cultivars is not well characterized. The purpose of this paper was to quantify the genetic base of Chinese soybean breeding by means of coefficient of parentage (CP) analysis and to compare it with that of US‐CAN soybean. Three hundred thirty‐nine ancestors were identified in the pedigrees of 651 Chinese soybean cultivars released during 1923–1995. Ancestors originating from China contributed 88% of the genes to the Chinese genetic base, and 45 exotic ancestors contributed 12%, as determined by CP analysis. Comparison of Chinese and US‐CAN bases showed that (i) the genetic base of Chinese soybean breeding was much larger than that of the US‐CAN and (ii) the Chinese base has continued to expand with time while the US‐CAN base has changed little. Analysis showed that 35 and 339 ancestors contributed 50 and 90% of the genes to Chinese soybean cultivars, while only five and 26 ancestors contributed similar amounts to the US‐CAN base. The three major soybean growing regions in China, Northeastern (NEC), Northern (NC) and Southern (SC) had little soybean ancestry in common with each other and constituted almost independent genetic bases. Each of the major Chinese growing regions had more ancestors and a more uniform distribution of ancestral contributions than did the total US‐CAN breeding effort. Although the genetic base of both Chinese and U.S. soybeans are dominated by Chinese landraces, no landraces were identified by name as common to both. In recent decades, 24 U.S. cultivars and lines have been bred to Chinese stock. These U.S. materials now constitute 7.3% of the genetic base for Chinese cultivars and have led to important yield advances in China. In contrast, U.S. breeding has made little use of Chinese cultivars. By virtue of their broad genetic base and isolation from U.S. cultivars, modern Chinese soybean cultivars are potentially important to U.S. breeding programs.}, number={5}, journal={CROP SCIENCE}, author={Cui, ZL and Carter, TE and Burton, JW}, year={2000}, pages={1470–1481} } @article{zhou_carter_cui_miyazaki_burton_2000, title={Genetic base of Japanese soybean cultivars released during 1950 to 1988}, volume={40}, ISSN={["1435-0653"]}, DOI={10.2135/cropsci2000.4061794x}, abstractNote={Plant breeding success is dependent, in part, upon the genetic diversity found within applied breeding programs. To characterize genetic diversity in applied breeding, plant breeders have invoked the concept of genetic base, which can be defined as the ancestral pool from which breeding is derived. The genetic base of modern Japanese soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] cultivars is not well characterized. The objective of this study was to quantify the genetic base of Japanese soybean cultivars by coefficient of parentage (CP) analysis, to compare the genetic bases of major growing regions and release eras in Japan, and to compare the Japanese base with that of other countries. Seventy‐four ancestors were identified in the pedigrees of 86 public Japanese cultivars registered from 1950 to 1988. Ancestors originating from Japan contributed 76% of the genes to the Japanese breeding, while exotic ancestors from the USA and Canada (US‐CAN), China, and Korea contributed 2, 5, and 2%, respectively. The remaining portion of the base was of unknown, but presumed Japanese origin. Three major growing regions of Japan displayed very distinct genetic bases with at least 50% of the ancestral contribution unique to each region. Comparisons revealed that the Japanese base was more diverse than that of the US‐CAN. The more diverse genetic base was exemplified by (i) more ancestors accounting for 50 and 80% of the genes in Japanese breeding; (ii) a continual expansion of the genetic base since 1950, while the US‐CAN base remained relatively static; and (iii) a higher ratio of ancestors employed to cultivars released. The number of ancestors contributing to breeding in Japan was much smaller than that for China in terms of number of ancestors, even though both genetic bases expanded with time. The long history of soybean breeding in Japan, its diverse genetic base and its relative isolation from US‐CAN and China suggest that Japanese, Chinese, and North American breeding pools may serve as important reservoirs of diversity for each other. Twelve Japanese cultivars released from 1950 through 1988 derived at least 25% of their pedigree from improved U.S. or Chinese breeding materials.}, number={6}, journal={CROP SCIENCE}, author={Zhou, XL and Carter, TE and Cui, ZL and Miyazaki, S and Burton, JW}, year={2000}, pages={1794–1802} } @article{cui_carter_burton_2000, title={Genetic diversity patterns in Chinese soybean cultivars based on coefficient of parentage}, volume={40}, ISSN={["1435-0653"]}, DOI={10.2135/cropsci2000.4061780x}, abstractNote={China released 651 soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] cultivars from 1923 to 1995. However, their diversity is not well characterized. The objective of this study was to quantify genetic diversity in Chinese cultivars via coefficient of parentage (CP), and the relative importance of geographical growing region, province of origin, intended cropping system, era of release, and breeder preferences in determining that diversity. A very low mean CP of 0.02 was found in Chinese soybean cultivars, suggesting the presence of a potentially high level of genetic diversity in Chinese soybean breeding. Cultivar pools from each of the three growing regions of China were almost completely unrelated to each other and exhibited low within‐region mean CP values (<0.06). Similarly, mean CP values within‐ and between‐provinces were low (0–0.2). Cropping systems and release eras also exhibited low within‐ and between‐CP relationships (all <0.07). The low CP values detected here for Chinese soybean breeding resulted from Chinese breeder initiatives to introduce new germplasm into applied Chinese breeding since the 1970s and from a strong tendency to avoid the mating of related parents. Half‐ and full‐sib matings and backcrossing are almost absent from Chinese pedigrees. Although mean CP for cultivars was low, cluster analysis proved to be a surprisingly effective discriminator of diversity patterns. This analysis assigned 270 cultivars to 20 clusters explaining 41% of the total variability in CP. Clusters were almost completely unrelated to each other and could be used as a basis for selection of parents for breeding. Pedigree analysis revealed that more than 30 cultivars grown currently in China trace to U.S. stocks. This successful use of U.S. germplasm in China may provide an important example for future U.S. breeding strategy.}, number={6}, journal={CROP SCIENCE}, author={Cui, ZL and Carter, TE and Burton, JW}, year={2000}, pages={1780–1793} } @article{cui_carter_gai_qiu_nelson_1999, title={Origin, description, and pedigree of Chinese soybean cultivars released from 1923 to 1995}, number={1871}, journal={Technical Bulletin (United States. Dept. of Agriculture)}, author={Cui, Z.-L. and Carter, T. E., Jr. and Gai, J.-Y. and Qiu, J.-X. and Nelson, R. L.}, year={1999}, pages={267} } @book{cui_gai_carter_qiu_t._1998, title={The released Chinese soybean cultivars and their pedigree analysis}, ISBN={7109050254}, publisher={China Agriculture Press}, author={Cui, Z. and Gai, J. and Carter, T. E., Jr. and Qiu, J. and T., Zhao}, year={1998} }