Works (9)
2016 journal article
Habitat restoration alters adult butterfly morphology and potential fecundity through effects on host plant quality

2015 review
A framework to assess evolutionary responses to anthropogenic light and sound
[Review of ]. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 30(9), 550–560.
2015 journal article
Diversity increases indirect interactions, attenuates the intensity of competition, and promotes coexistence
American Naturalist, 186(4), 452–459.
2015 journal article
Habitat restoration affects immature stages of a wetland butterfly through indirect effects on predation
ECOLOGY, 96(7), 1761–1767.

2014 personal communication
Facilitative plant interactions and climate simultaneously drive alpine plant diversity
2014 journal article
Fungal endophyte increases the allelopathic effects of an invasive forb
Oecologia, 175(1), 285–291.
2014 journal article
Morphological variability in tree root architecture indirectly affects coexistence among competitors in the understory
Ecology, 95(7), 1731–1736.
2012 journal article
Fungal endophytes directly increase the competitive effects of an invasive forb
Ecology (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.), 93(1), 3–8.
2012 journal article
Models of experimental competitive intensities predict home and away differences in invasive impact and the effects of an endophytic mutualist
American Naturalist, 180(6), 707–718.