Kenneth R. Barker
Works (46)
2010 article
Anastasios (Tasso) Christos Triantaphyllou (1926-2009) obituary
Nematology, Vol. 12, pp. 311–312.
2006 article
In memoriam - Joseph Neal Sasser 1921-2005
Journal of Nematology, Vol. 38, p. 1/2/2006.
2006 journal article
Penetration rates of root-knot nematodes into Cucumis sativus and C-metuliferus roots and subsequent histological changes
Nematropica, 36(2), 231–242.
2005 journal article
Virulence genes in Heterodera glycines: Allele frequencies and ror gene groups among field isolates and inbred lines
PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 95(2), 186–191.

2004 journal article
Influence of poultry litter applications on nematode communities in cotton agroecosystems
Journal of Nematology, 36(4), 524–533.
2004 chapter
Population density based management
In R. D. Riggs & J. A. Wrather (Eds.), Biology and management of the soybean cyst nematode (2nd ed.) (pp. 89–110). Weinheim: Wiley-VCH.
Ed(s): . R. D. Riggs & J. Wrather
2003 journal article
Cropping systems and Integrated Pest Management: Examples from selected crops
Journal of Crop Production, 8(1), 271.
2003 journal article
Effects of rate and time of application of poultry litter on Hoplolaimus columbus on cotton
PLANT DISEASE, 87(10), 1244–1249.

2003 journal article
Impact of cotton production systems on management of Hoplolaimus columbus
Journal of Nematology, 35(1), 73–77.
2003 review
Perspectives on plant and soil nematology
[Review of ]. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 41(2003), 25-.
2002 journal article
Influences of organic and synthetic soil fertility amendments on nematode trophic groups and community dynamics under tomatoes
APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY, 21(3), 233–250.
Contributors: L. Bulluck III, J. Ristaino n n &

2002 journal article
Registration of two root-knot nematode-resistant peanut germplasm lines
Crop Science, 42(1), 312–313.

2001 journal article
Resistance as a tactic for management of Meloidogyne incognita on cotton in North Carolina
Journal of Nematology, 33(2-3), 126–131.
2000 journal article
Biological control of Meloidogyne incognita on tomato and banana with rhizobacteria actinomycetes, and Pasteuria penetrans
Nematropica, 30(2), 231–240.
2000 journal article
Conversion of compatible plant-pathogen interactions into incompatible interactions by expression of the Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae 61 hrmA gene in transgenic tobacco plants
PLANT JOURNAL, 23(2), 205–213.

2000 journal article
Development and evaluation of a standard method for screening for resistance to Radopholus similis in bananas
PLANT DISEASE, 84(6), 689–693.

2000 journal article
Efficacy of 'ABG-9008' against burrowing nematode (Radopholus similis) on bananas
Nematropica, 30(1), 1–8.
2000 journal article
The role of low molecular weight organic acids from decomposing rye in inhibiting root-knot nematode populations in soil
APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY, 15(3), 243–251.

2000 journal article
Tolerance of selected cotton lines to Rotylenchulus reniformis
Journal of Nematology, 32(4), 519–523.
1999 journal article
A comparison of three methods for determining root-knot nematode infection of cotton roots
Nematropica, 29(2), 147–151.
1999 journal article
Aggressiveness and damage potential of Central American and Caribbean populations of Radopholus spp. in banana
Journal of Nematology, 31(4), 377–385.
1999 journal article
Genetic analysis of Meloidogyne arenaria race 1 resistance in tobacco
PLANT DISEASE, 83(9), 810–813.

1999 journal article
Greenhouse and field resistance in cucumber to root-knot nematodes
NEMATOLOGY, 1(1999 June), 279–284.

1999 journal article
Identification of sources of resistance to four species of root-knot nematodes in tobacco
Journal of Nematology, 31(3), 272–282.
1999 journal article
Survival and infection of root-knot nematodes added to soil amended with rye at different stages of decomposition and cropped with cotton
APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY, 13(3), 231–235.

1998 review
Developing sustainable systems for nematode management
[Review of ]. ANNUAL REVIEW OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 36, 165–205.

1998 journal article
Dissemination of bananas in Latin America and the Caribbean and its relationship to the occurrence of Radopholus similis
PLANT DISEASE, 82(9), 964–974.

1998 journal article
Effects of a low rate, of aldicarb on soybean and associated pest interactions in fields infested with Heterodera glycines
Nematropica, 28(2), 205–211.
1998 chapter
Interrelations with other microorganisms and pests
In The cyst nematodes (pp. 266–292). Dordrecht ; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
1998 chapter
Introduction and synopsis of advancements in nematology
In G. A. P. K. R. Barker & G. L. Windham (Eds.), Plant and nematode interactions (pp. 1–20). Madison, Wis.: American Society of Agronomy, Inc.: Crop Science Society of America, Inc.: Soil Science Society of America, Inc.
Ed(s): G. K. R. Barker & G. Windham
1998 journal article
Management of plant-parastic nematodes on peanut with selected nematicides in North Carolina
Journal of Nematology, 30(4 suppl.), 643–650.
1998 book
Plant and nematode interactions
Madison, Wis.: American Society of Agronomy, Inc.; Crop Science Society of America, Inc.; Soil Science Society of America, Inc.
1998 journal article
Survey of Heterodera glycines races and other plant-parastic nematodes on soybean in North Carolina
Journal of Nematology, 30(4, Suppl.), 569–576.
1997 journal article
Genetics of soybean-Heterodera glycines interactions
Journal of Nematology, 29(4), 509–522.
1997 journal article
Opportunities for integrated management of plant-parasitic nematodes in the Near East
FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper, (144), 93.
1994 journal article
Plant and soil nematodes: Societal impact and focus for the future
Journal of Nematology, 26(2).
1993 journal article
Resistance/tolerance and related concepts/terminology in plant nematology
Plant Disease, 77(2), 111.
1993 journal article
The future of nematology: Introduction
Journal of Nematology, 25(3), 365.
1991 journal article
Relationships between soil and levels of Meloidogyne incognita and tobacco yield and quality
Journal of Nematology, 23(1), 82.
1991 journal article
Rotation and cropping systems for nematode control: The North Carolina experience - Introduction
Journal of Nematology, 23(3), 342.
1989 journal article
Yield relationships and population dynamics of Meloidogyne spp. on flue-cured tobacco
Journal of Nematology, 21(4), 597.
1988 chapter
Techniques in quantitative nematology
In J. Kranz & J. Rotem (Eds.), Experimental techniques in plant disease epidemiology (p. 223). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Ed(s): . J. Kranz & J. Rotem
1979 journal article
Equipment and techniques for establishing field microplots for the study of soilborne pathogens
Journal of Nematology, 11(1), 106.
1976 journal article
2 semiautomatic elutriators for extracting nematodes and certain fungi from soil
Journal of Nematology, 8(3), 206–212.
1973 journal article
Comparison of methods of collecting inocula of meloidogyne-spp, including a new technique
Plant Disease Reporter, 57(12), 1025–1028.
1971 journal article
NEMATOLOGICA, 17(3), 377-&.